I've got my tongue between your teeth

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Author's note- this chapter is kind of a filler, but you should still read it none the less! Like I've said before, I write these late at night, so my loss of sleep is starting to catch up on me.
Feel free to correct me on any mistakes I make!

Dallon's p.o.v.

We drove to Brendon's house in silence. It wasn't really awkward, though I could tell Brendon was really upset that I'd got beaten up again. I tried to ignore the tense air and listen to the classic Yesterday by the Beatles, which was playing quietly in the background. Ryan was a savage. An animal. But then again we all can be animals sometimes.

I guess Brendon needs this sort of music to calm him down sometimes, especially if he's having a bad day.
As we arrived at Brendon's house, I was shocked at its size.

A three story, red brick mansion, surrounded by trees and flowers and brightened up the scenery significantly.

There was even a fountain in the front garden, proudly flowing fresh water into the base of the fountain. Out in the back garden, there was a lot of grass and gardens, but there was even a small lake! The clear water glistened in the sun and there was a path surrounding the lake, so you could walk around it at your own leisure.

Brendon seemed proud of his home, which doesn't surprise me, because who wouldn't with a house like that?!
Inside was even more lavish.
Marble floors, big chandeliers, expensive paintings littered across some of the hallways.

I stared in awe as I took in every detail. How rich was Brendon?! My mum worked all the time and could still hardly keep our little house in our hands, yet Brendon had a regular teaching job and was living the life of a king.

"Wow, Brendon! This house is amazing!" Brendon laughed.

"Yes, quite. It was in my grandfather's will. I don't know why he didn't leave it for my father, not that I'm complaining! I love it here."

"I can see why!" I was glad Brendon was in a better mood now, it really made me happy when Brendon was happy. I was content. I followed Brendon into the large living area, with the biggest TV I'd ever seen, and large, comfortable sofas. Brendon sat down, and I followed.

"Dallon, I know this sounds strange saying this, but, if your mum ever goes for a business trip, you can come out here if you like. You know, so you're not lonely..." Brendon trailed off, leaving the offer open.

"Maybe I will sometime, thanks!" I really thought I would. It would be heaven to sleep in one of the finely furnished bedrooms, with impressively comfortable king-sized beds just for me. And you never know, maybe Brendon would join me....

Stop it Dallon. You know that's wrong.
That's weird. There's such a big age difference. Why would Brendon sleep with you? Not that he's want to anyway. You're just a depressed, pathetic teenager.

My thoughts were turning negative again, which is what I was worried about. They are so hard to ignore and so easy to think about. I didn't want to listen to them, but I was already starting to doubt myself. I decided I needed to know more about Brendon.

"Brendon, how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm twenty four," he replied. "Twenty five in April. What about you, Dallon?"

"Sixteen, seventeen in May."

"Wow, a big age difference!" Brendon was right. Eight years. But that didn't matter! We loved each other and that was all that mattered. Right?

"Tell me more about you?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah, sure, I have four other siblings, all older, and we're all teachers in different schools. My parents are still alive and kicking but I don't see them often. I don't get on well with them very well. I've been teaching for two years and I only discovered my sexuality about five years ago. That's why I don't get along with my parents very well. I'm gay. I don't think that's what makes them mad, I think it's because I'm their son and that's how I turned out to be. I don't care though. I don't need them." I just nodded, although I wanted to know more. How did you come to discover your sexuality? How many relationships have you been in before me? Are you a virgin? "Well, Dallon, what about you?"

I hesitated. I didn't want to tell him about my year off school being about being so suicidal that I had to be kept in a mental hospital under intensive care and always having someone's full attention so I didn't kill myself. I also didn't want to tell him I was adopted. I don't know why, I guess since I only found out so recently, and I don't know him fully yet.

"Well, my dad is dead so it's just my mum and I. I'm sixteen, my best friend is Josh. Mum works on business trips a lot, to keep our house, and she is usually supportive of everything I do as long as I am happy, though she doesn't know my sexuality yet. I also like music." Brendon seemed interested in what I'd said, which made me self conscious because I thought I'd said something wrong, but on the contrary, it was quite the opposite.

"Your mum sounds great, Dallon," Brendon said gently, looking at my lips.

"She is," I replied shyly, watching Brendon move in closer. He brought his lips against mine gently and I smiled against him. He suddenly pushed against my lips harder and pushed his tongue in my mouth, causing me to gasp. Brendon smirked at this, as he explored my mouth curiously, somewhat aggressively. He brought his tongue out of my mouth but kept moving his lips with mine, before pulling away, breathless.

"Like that, Dallon?" He asked, smirking. I nodded quickly.

"I did, Brendon!" I was quickly cut off when Brendon pulled my hair sharply.

"I don't think Brendon is how you address me, Dallon," Brendon said mischievously. Oh, I understand.

"I liked it, Mr Urie," I admit, making him smile cheekily before pressing his lips back on mine.

"That's more like it."

Mr Urie loves me (brallon)Where stories live. Discover now