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Author's note- I'm so sorry guys for the lack of updates, I had a very bad week and exams are killing me. I was going to update yesterday morning, but I had to babysit my 3 younger siblings on Friday night so I didn't get to write it.

Before you read on, go follow clivedoveandflora ! They take requests, and they write video games fanfics and ships! You should check them out if you like that kinda stuff. Anyway, enjoy the chapter :)

3rd person p.o.v.

Do you ever just think you are drowning in your surroundings?

You are suffocating because of the thickness of the air.

You are struggling to deal with the large crowds around you.

The noise seems to be ten times louder in your head than what it really is.

That is what it felt like when Dallon woke up.

Dallon's p.o.v.

Even though there was only a crowd of three around me, it still seemed unbearable.

"Dallon!" A voice cried. "You're awake!" It's my mum. But she was away on a business trip...?

"I've missed you, buddy," another voice chimed in. Josh. "Please don't do that again, Dallon. It's not sick having you around."

"Dallon! It's good to "see" you!" Another voice broke in. I knew it was Patrick, even before his sarcastic joke.

"Hey guys, why are you all here?" I ask. "I'm not important. Josh, you should be with Tyler! Mum, you were on a business trip?"

"Dallon, you've been in hospital for a month," my mum says. "I came home from my trip two weeks ago."

My heart froze.

I nearly died. I've been on the verge of life and death for like three weeks and I had to live.


I wanted to die. Why am I still here?!

"Dallon, I think you need to go back to the mental hospital," my mum says softly.

"But I will have to leave you all!" I protest. "I can't do that! I won't."

"It's for the best, Dallon," Mum says, and Josh and Patrick agree, I can tell without seeing them.

"Ok," I say quietly. "When do I go?"

"Now that you're awake, tomorrow," Mum says. "I'll give you some time with your friends alone now, first."

I feel Mum moving beside my bed, to leave my room to give Patrick, Josh and I some privacy.

"I'm glad to hear you guys have met!" I say, trying to clear the atmosphere.

"Yeah, I'm always happy to make new friends," Josh says. "It's just a shame because of the circumstances."

"I would have rather had a more...traditional introduction," Patrick laughed nervously.

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