Not today

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Author's note- it's Dallon's birthday today! Ahhh happy birthday to him, he is so amazing and I love their music it has done so much for me (but it's not Dallon's birthday in the fic just so you guys don't get confused)
I am also kinda happy because I've been talking to this guy who is depressed, like me but I was trying to make him feel better after something bad happened but I think I'd say we are becoming friends :)
Also forgive me if I get details wrong, I don't know a lot about the blind etc so just correct me, but enjoy the chapter!

Dallon's p.o.v.

Today's the day, I start Saint Patrick's School for Visibly Impaired Children, whether I'm blind or not.

I woke up blind, so I guess it's on cue, though not what I wanted. At least I'm not scared of being blind anymore. Im just scared of starting a new school.

I managed to learn to trace my way around my room and house so I don't bump into things as frequently. I even can get downstairs now, without much trouble.

I struggle to get dressed sometimes, because coordinating your body without sight is harder than it seems. And eating is the same. Mum always laughs at me, because I constantly miss my mouth, and the food usually ends up on my chin or my cheeks or on the floor. She says it's as if I'm a toddler again, trying to feed myself and making a great big mess.

Just like my life. Ha.

I manage to half eat my breakfast, though I'm not really hungry so it doesn't really matter how much I eat. I'd probably throw up anyway, I'm so nervous.

You know that nervous feeling you get it the out of your stomach?

That feeling.

Mum guides me to the car, and she drives me to the school, and she puts relaxing music on the radio so i stay calm.

"Just take deep breathes," she says. "Deep breathes,"

I really try, but I can feel my hand shaking, and my heart beat racing. And now you definitely understand why I was in a mental institution for so long.

I can feel Mum looking at me with concern, as she tries to calm me down, but she can't do a lot since she is driving.

"You're okay, Dallon, just take deep breathes, deep breathes..."

Her voice becomes distant as I try to slow my heart rate down and steady myself. Slowly, I can feel myself calming down, and just in time, because Mum exclaims that we're here.

She helps me get out of the car, and she guides me to the school. It is times like these that I am really grateful for a mum as good as mine.

Once we get inside, I am immediately welcomed by a voice on my left. I assume it's Mr Wentz, but I can't be sure. His voice sounds similar, so I will just say it's Mr Wentz. My mum leads me into another room, she says, which I assume is the office.

"Welcome back, Dallon!" The voice says. "It's a shame your vision is failing, but it's great to see you!"

"Thank you, sir," I reply. I was going to say, "it's good to see you too," but I can't actually see him so that wouldn't be a good idea.

"I have Patrick here again, to help you around school and the like, I'm sure you'll get along well," Mr Wentz says, before Patrick, I assume, appears.

"Hey, Dallon! Are you ready to go?" He asks. I suddenly make the realisation that the last time I was here, Patrick knew his way around the school without any aid or help, but now I can sense an animal inside the office. Maybe Patrick uses a guide dog sometimes.

"I think so," I say, my Mum guiding me to get a hold on Patrick's arm, so I can stay connected with him. She gives me a kiss before we go.

"Have a good day, Dallon!" She says, before discussing something with Mr Wentz. I could place a large bet it was on my mini panic attack this morning.

"Come on, Donnie," Patrick coos, I assume to the dog, as there is a small whine before Patrick starts leading me slowly along the corridor.

"Is Donnie your own guide dog?" I ask Patrick.

"Yes, though she is getting old," Patrick replies. "I've had 'er since I've been a kid. Great dog, she is." I hear him ruffling Donnie's ears, and we stop at what I guess is our class.

If it's not our class, I hope it's the canteen.

"This is our maths class," Patrick states.

Suddenly a large weight is placed on my chest. Brendon is supposed to be my maths teacher! I feel tears rushing to my eyes, but I quickly force them away, refusing to cry in public on my first day.

The door is opened and we walk inside, and although none of our fellow classmates can see, or not a lot, I can feel their interested faces looking in my direction, as if they can see me.

"Hello, boys! You must be Dallon, come, come!" A voice booms. "I'm Mr Hurley. Welcome!"

I am already tired by his high enthusiasm. I feel Donnie guide us to our seats, which I am guessing are at the back of the class, according to my navigational skills, though I strongly lack in such.

Today is going to be a long day.

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