Take it slow

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Author's note- so I realised in the last chapter I made quite a few mistakes and I apologise for that, I was too tired to function I guess. I think I have corrected them all now, but I am trying to be careful to get everything right!

Dallon's p.o.v.

Something didn't seem right the next day. Ryan was picking on me, of course, but Brendon was off.

He had asked me in the morning if I was okay walking to school, because he didn't have time to collect me.

When I came into class, five minutes early, as always, he hardly spoke to me. I thought he wasn't angry at me anymore, but maybe he still had rage in the inside.

During class, Brendon hardly looked at me. I could tell by the way he was teaching the class that he wasn't normal today. He was being serious, whatever it was. There was an aura coming off him, one of anxiety. Though he wasn't showing it.

Even after class, he wouldn't speak to me. I decided not to ask questions, however, and simply leave with Josh and Tyler.

I guessed Brendon had already left by the time I was leaving, so I decided to walk to his house. It wasn't far. Besides, I could listen to music.

While I was walking, however, a car drove up beside me, and the driver rolled down the window.

It was Ryan. "Where you walking to, Dallon?"

"Home," I replied quickly. I wasn't a great liar but I wasn't going to tell him where I was really going.

He laughed, as if he knew. "Dallon, I could give you a lift."

"No, thanks, I'm good." I refused.

He scowled, a drive through the puddle next to me, soaking me, before driving off. Tears filled my eyes.

By the time I walked to Brendon's, there was smoke coming out of the chimney. I was soaking, both from my tears and puddle water. Brendon's house seemed so appealing then. When I realised it had taken me almost half an hour to walk to his house, I realised Brendon must've been home for a while. I rang the doorbell and waited for him to answer.

Brendon's p.o.v.

I know I'd been acting weird all day, but only Dallon and Ryan would notice. And maybe Sarah, but she isn't important. Besides, I would be explaining to Dallon later anyway.

When Dallon rang my doorbell, I was more nervous than ever. I ran to the door and opened it, only to see Dallon soaking wet!

"Dallon, what happened?!" I asked.

"Eh, just a puddle and a car, you know," he replied.

"Well, come in!" I insisted.

He followed me inside to the kitchen where I was cooking dinner. I had Dr Peppers in the fridge. I'd heard Dallon likes them. 

But he wasn't interested in the Dr Peppers.

"Bren, what happened today? Are you still mad at me?" Dallon asked nervously.

"No, no, I'm not mad at you," I explain. "I just think we need to be more careful with our relationship in school. People may become suspicious, you know."

Dallon nodded, before asking, "Does someone know?"

"No, no, no," I say quickly. "I just think, we are pretty obvious at times. I think in school we should just take it slow."

"Okay," Dallon agreed. "I'll not come to class early anymore, and I'll not stay late either. I'll also walk to and from school."

"Good. But...." I trail off, closing the gap between us, "that doesn't mean we can't go fast outside of school." I press my lips against his, creating a gasp from Dallon.

I pull him into the living room and push him onto the sofa. I force him to lie down as I crawl on top of him, our lips still connected like a lifeline.

Maybe I am a lifeline for Dallon.

I push my tongue inside his mouth was no trouble or fight for dominance. Dallon is so submissive. Though I'm not complaining. It turns me on.

I take his jumper off, and I examine his stomach hungrily, though I stop when I see something unusual.


I feel Dallon tense up beneath me when he makes the realisation that I know.

"Oh, Brendon, those are from a while ago-" I cut him off.

"I can tell, Dallon." I began. "But I don't want you to be doing that now, okay? If you ever feel sad, come to me, okay?"

Dallon nodded. "You aren't...horrified or anything?"

"I mean, I am, but only because someone like you shouldn't have to hurt their beautiful body. I love you, Dallon, you know, please tell me if something is ever wrong."

"I love you too, Brendon." I could see Dallon's smile.

I press my lifeline-lips back to his, and I move my hands over his stomach, exploring him. I move my lips down his neck, kissing him but not leaving any evidence.

I don't want Ryan to see.

I run my lips over his stomach, before traveling lower, and lower, to the waistband of his trousers. I only then realised my problem.

I try to take off his trousers, but he looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Please, don't, Brendon. I don't think I'm ready." Dallon begged, though apologetic for stopping me from meeting my own needs.

For a second I felt annoyed that he'd stopped me so close to what we could've been doing, but then I realised.

If I didn't stop like he wanted me to, not only would that be rape, but I'd be worse than Miss Jackson.

"Of course, baby, I'll never push you too far," I place my lips back on his.

"We can cuddle instead."

Dallon smiled. "That would be nice."

So I took off my shirt and wrapped my arms around Dallon, placing sweet kisses all over his face and hair.

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