Liv and Maddie(1)

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1 Year Later:

Ben sat in his office staring glumly at the tv. That's when his mom and dad walked in the door. "Ben, we've searched everywhere in Auradon. We can't find Mal, or the others anywhere." Belle said gently. Ben nodded his head. "But, we might have something that will make you a little bit happier." Beast said. Ben looked over and he saw his mom's sister, husband, and kids. Ben cracked a smile at seeing his 10 year old cousin who totally idolized him. "I knew it would make him feel a little better about Mal." Beast whispered to Belle. Belle nodded and Liana padded over to Ben. She sat down on the couch next to him. "Do you want to watch something?" Ben asked and Liana eagerly nodded. Everyone else had left and Liana switched on a tv show called Liv and Maddie.

"What's this show?" Ben asked Liana. "It's about two twins." Ben didn't pay attention until Liana pointed out her favorite character. "That's Liv!" She said excitly. Ben looked at the tv and he saw himself looking into Mal's face. "Mal?" He asked. "No. Her name's Liv. Her actressess's name is Dove Cameron." Liana said. "Dove Cameron." Ben whispered to himself. "One minute. Stay here I'll be right back." Ben said grabbing his phone and ran through the halls at Auradon Prep to Audrey and Jane's room. Doug always hung around there because he missed Evie just like Jane missed Carlos and Audrey missed Jay. 

He knocked on the door and Audrey answered it. He ran inside and Jane looked up from her ipad. "I just saw Mal." He said. "WHAT?" The three others gasped in shock. "On this tv show." Ben explained it. "If we can locate Dove Cameron, we can most likely locate Jay, Carlos, and Evie!" Audrey shrieked and Ben nodded. "I have a plan. I'm going to take my cousin Liana to the set of Liv and Maddie and you three can come with. We can further investigate from there." Ben said. Ben made a phone call and he quickly located the studio where Liv and Maddie was being filmed.

They quickly agreed to let him, Liana, and his three friends onto the set of Liv and Maddie. They said they could come tomorrow and come any day they wanted. They'd be giving them special VIP passes that could get them in. Ben told Liana the great news and she freaked out. She shrieked in joy and hugged Ben with all her might. Her parents agreeded and all 5 of them packed up their suitcases and set off to Hollywood. The next day, they all walked into the set of Liv and Maddie. Liana immediatly spotted Dove and she squealed. She eagerally showed Ben and Ben smiled. "Go on ahead. We're right behind you." Dove had been earlier notified by the director. She was talking to her director right as Liana came up to her. Dove noticed her and set her cup of water down. She gave Liana a big smile and she kneeled down so she was at Liana's height. "Hi. What's your name?" Dove asked softly.

"Liana. I'm your biggest fan!" "Can I let you in on a little secret?" Dove whispered. Liana nodded. "I think you're my biggest fan that's a girl." "Who's your biggest boy fan?" Liana whispered back. "My boyfriend and my best friend compete over who is the biggest fan." Liana giggled and Dove stood back up as her director started talking again. Ben, Audrey, Jane, and Doug had all came and stood behind Liana. When Dove stopped talking to her director she turned back around and saw them all. She gave them smiles too. She immediatly regonized them. "Are you fans too?" Dove asked with a smirk. Ben just stared at her until Dove's boyfriend Booboo Stewart walked up. He took her hand and kissed her on the cheek. "I have a surprise for you. Sophia already knows." Booboo said.

Dove nodded and she threw her paper cup into the trash. Booboo pointed across the room at a figure in the doorway. Dove shrieked happily and screamed, "CAMERON!" She ran across the room and threw herself at him. The man named Cameron laughed and hugged her as she hugged him. "Cameron's back?" The director asked Booboo and he nodded. "I manged to get him back here in time for Dove's 21st birthday." Everyone watched the scene, and they saw Dove in happy tears to see Cameron. Cameron and Dove walked back and Dove wrapped her arms around Booboo. "Thank you so much!" She said and Booboo kissed the top of her head. 

"Where's Sofia?" Cameron asked. "The shelter." "Excuse me, but who's Sofia, and why does she live at a shelter?" Ben asked. Dove turned around and said, "Sofia Carson is one of my best friends and she lives in my house as my roommate. She's at the shelter, as in animal shelter. She spends a lot of her time volunteering there because she loves the cats and dogs." "Dove, they're ready for you in the makeup department." Booboo kissed her head softly and she giggled. "I'll see you later." He said and he and Cameron walked away.

Dove followed her director out of the room smiling. "Why does Booboo Stewart look so familar?" Jane asked. "That's because Booboo is Jay!" Audrey squealed. "Why don't we ask him? Him and that guy that looks like Carlos are over there." Jane said. Doug and Liana went outside to see the Hollywood walk of fame. "Excuse me Mr. Stewart, could we speak to you." Booboo looked at his watch and looked back up. "I wish I could, but I've got to get going. Cameron, want to help me with the preperations?" "Preperations for what?" "Dove's birthday is on Saturday." Cameron said. "And I'd love to help. I'm assuming we're taking your car. I didn't come with a car. I took Uber." Booboo nodded and they left.

"Well, that went well. How about we ask Dove when she comes back from set?" Jane suggested. "Guys, Dove doesn't seem like Mal." Audrey pointed out. "But Booboo still looks like Jay." Lonnie nodded. "But what if Dove, Cameron, and Booboo aren't Mal, Carlos, and Jay? What if they're just normal people in Hollywood?" Jane asked. Silence followed. Doug and Liana came back in and together they were all herded to Dove's room on set where she stayed when she wasn't filming for the day. They all took chairs and gazed around her room. She had personalized it with photos of her, Cameron, Booboo, and another girl. "Who do you think this is?" Ben asked. "Probably Sofia Carson." Jane said. "Look!" Audrey said. 

Directly in the middle of the photo collage on the wall was a slightly smaller picture. They all looked at it closely. Carlos and Evie were embracing there and Mal was on Jay's back. What was even stranger was that it was the four people that looked like the four missing people were in the same exact positions. They took a look at some other photos and they were mostly of her and her best friends together and seperatly. Ben was eyeing a picture sitting on her desk. It was in a large picture frame with white lace like patterns around it. The photo was of a slightly younger Dove. She was standing in between two guys that looked exactly like Jay and Cameron:Carlos and Jay.

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