Caring and Healing(20)

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Logan kept yelling and Dove kept trying to calm him down. "Logan. Calm down." She said softly as the nurse left and they sank into the unoccupied bed across from Logan's dad. She hugged him and she could feel him shaking through her embrace. "Logan, we'll get through this. Yelling at the nurses won't help your dad get better." "I know. But I'm scared. If my dad doesn't get through this than I don't know how long I'll be able to survive." "Logan, I've felt the same way. For most of my life I was mad at the world and I was depressed. You remember that." "That was your Mal side." "But I was bullied in school as Dove." Dove told him squeezing his hand again. "I guess you're right." "Of course I am Logan. I've been through this. My dad died when I was 15. I know exactly how you feel. You just have to someone by your side. Which is exactly why I'm here besides the fact that your dad is like a dad to me." Dove said. 

"I'm always used to caring for you and now we've flipped roles." Logan said. That night as Logan was asleep, Dove was having a war between her conscious and her heart. Her conscious told her it was wrong to spell Logan's dad to getting better and living, and her heart said she only promised not to do magic unless it was an emergency. This definetly was an emergency. Dove's heart finally won the fight and she silently crawled out of her bed careful not to wake Logan who was across the room asleep on the couch. Dove approached Greg Paul's bedside silently and she saw his eyes were open. He knew it was Dove and a sliver of a smile appeared on his face before it was a grimace of pain. Dove set her hand on his hand careful not to hurt him and she whispered, "I'll make the pain go away." She channeled the spell and shut her eyes. The healing spell made its way from Dove's hand into Greg's hand and spreading throughout his body. The magic worked within a few minutes but then the monitor started beeping due to the change in heart beat. Logan started to stir and she dashed back to her bed and made it look as though she was asleep. She opened an eye to see if the sparkling dashes of magic were gone and sure enough they were. She smiled thanful the spell had work. 

The door burst open from some nurses and she heard stern yelling. She put a sleeping spell on herself so she would fall asleep to seem innocent for the healing she did to Greg. She felt arms slide under her and herself being picked up and then lights hitting her face. She was set down again and she curled up again. When she awoke she was in the brightly lit hallway lounge. The vending machines were making their machanial noises and she was curled up on a small carpet laying next to Logan. She sat up, she remember herself being carried but she didn't know why. Logan awoke after the vending machine noise multiplied in noise. 

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty. Why are we in the hallway and not with your dad?" Dove said. "While you were asleep my dad's monitor starting beeping and his heartbeat was changing. It was getting faster until it was back to normal. It was like magic. I found that out before his tubes and IV's started ejecting and he's back in surgery and the nurses made us leave. So I carried you out here and I haven't heard from them since." Logan said. They sat in silence until they were both hungry. "There's a cafeteria downstairs." Logan said speaking Dove's mind. "Let's go." Dove said standing up. They were seated in the back of the cafeteria in comfy cushioned booth seats when Dove's phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and accepted the call. "Hello?" She asked into the phone. "Dove, where are you?" Ben asked from the end. "How did you get my phone number?" "I asked Mark." Ben answered and Dove sighed. "I'm away from you that's all you need to know. Why are you even calling me?" Dove asked while buttering her toast. "Cameron called and he asked where you were and if you were okay for some reason." Ben said. 

"I'll call him. I'm fine and I don't know why he'd call you. He could've just called Boo." "He did and he said Booboo didn't answer." Dove sighed. "I don't have time for this Ben. Call Cam and tell him I'm fine and he doesn't have to come home. Tell him to try calling Boo again and if he doesn't answer have Sofia try. I'll call him as soon as I can." She said and hung up her phone. "That Ben dude giving you trouble still?" Logan asked eating his breakfast burrito. "Yes. He just won't leave me alone. But he's not here now and I plan for it to stay that way. Although, I have to go call Boo. Ben said that he wasn't picking up his phone and Cam got worried." "I'll wait here. It's not like I have anywhere else to go." "Isn't Jake here?" "He's flying in tomorrow from Florida." Logan said and Dove stood up. "I'll just be a minute." Dove said stepping out into the hallway. She called Boo's phone and he didn't answer. She sent him a text saying that Cam had called Ben to say that he was worried and Dove wanted to know if he was okay. She also said if Ben calls and says she wasn't there not to worry. I'm just in Ohio with Logan. I'll explain when I get home. Dove texted before going back into the cafeteria. 

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