It's like magic(21)

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When Logan and Dove were done with breakfast they went back up to the floor was Greg was stationed. They were there for about 2 hours before a Nurse dressed in green came out to the Lounge. "You two can come back and see Mr. Paul now. He's out of surgery." Dove and Logan followed the nurse back. Dove felt eager to see how her spell did and Logan worried sick. Dove could sense it and she squeezed his hand. 

They were led back to the same room Greg had been in before and when the door opened Greg was sitting in the hospital bed with a smile on his face. His smile widened when he saw Logan and Dove. They each hugged him carefully and Logan stood back up. "Dad, what happened that you improved so quickly?" "I don't know. I was partially awake and I swear it looked like Dove who came and stood right next to me. She put her hand on mine and within seconds there were these sparks. They were green, red, blue, white, and yellow. It was like magic. The monitor started beeping and the girl disapeared from my vision. The IV's starting popping out of me and after surgery I was fine. The doctors told me I was going to die." Logan listened closely and he said, "Dad, did you say it was like magic?" Greg nodded and Logan nodded.

"Dove, can I talk to you outside for a minute?" "Sure." Dove said and she hopped up from the chair she was sitting in. Once Logan shut the door he turned on Dove. "I know you did it." "Did what?" She said smirking. "Make the sparks that made him heal." "Maybe I did." Dove said cocking her head to the side. Logan hugged her and that caught her off guard. "Thank you. I don't know how I can repay you for saving him." He said into her hair. "You mean, you aren't mad at me for using magic?" She whispered. "Of course not! This saved my dad's life. I know you made that promise to never use magic unless it was an emergency and I'm glad you have magic. Without my dad, I wouldn't be the same." "And then you would take on depression. Logan, you and Boo both have been my longest best friends. I love both of you and I would do anything if it came to your happiness, the same way you did to me. I thought I never could repay you for not letting me get further in depression, and now we can call ourselves even. I couldn't live withour your dad either. Plus, life is getting a little bit on the sappy side don't you think?" "Definetly. Either way, this is the best thing you ever could have done." Logan said and he hugged her again. She smiled and they walked back into the room. Greg was telling the nurse how Dove had made sparks come out of her hand to heal him. 

The nurse smiled when he was done. "He's just hallucinating." The nurse said. Logan leaned over to Dove and whispered, "Could you give him a memory spell so you don't end up getting yourself hunted?" "Of course. But it's kind of breaking my promise." "I thought you made that promise as Mal, not Dove." Logan said. Dove thought about it and she nodded. "You're right. I never thought about it that way." She whispered back to him. She waited until the Nurse's back was turned before casting the spell so Greg wouldn't remember Dove putting the healing spell on him. "Did it work?" Logan whispered to her. "I think so." She whispered back. "When is my dad getting released?" Logan asked. "In a few hours. He'll be fine by then." The nurse answered. Greg looked up at them. "You two should go to the mountain outside of town. It's a great climb. There's no snow, but it's a grass and forest type of mountain. The view from the top is amazing." Greg said. "Do you want to?" Logan asked Dove. "It's sounds fun, so why not." Dove said. "Great. We'll see you in a few hours dad." Logan said before he and Dove walked out of the room and got to Logan's rental car. They got to the mountain and Dove gasped. "This is definetly going to be fun! I haven't been able to climb anything lately because I've been traveling, but this is going to be amazing!" "Would you mind being your human self and climbing this thing at a normal pace with me?" Logan asked. "I guess. It will last longer if I do this non-Mal style." She said with a smirk. 

Logan rolled his eyes and he locked the car and they started climbing. Logan was about a hundred feet behind Dove when two guys stepped in front of her. "Hey girl. You're so beautiful. You taken?" "As a matter of face, yes I am." Dove said standing her ground. "Ooh, a fiesty one." One guy said. "Care to join us tonight in a bedroom?" He asked. Dove's face revolted. "Of course not!" She shouted. Logan heard her and he started climbing faster. "Then we'll just join you and your man then." The man said before planting his lips on her. She pushed him away but it was too late, the damage was done, and Logan had seen. The man that had just kissed her looked just like him. Dove saw Logan and walked towards him. "Is that your man? He looks weak." "No! If you must know, my boyfriend beat the Rock in a fight!" She said. "Oh really now?" The man asked smirking. "Yes. He could beat you up with one punch too!" Dove said glaring at the man that had kissed her. He looked too much like Logan and she worried that she might have get mixed up and go with the wrong guy. She was about to pounce on them but Logan held her back. "Don't. You'll get arrested." He said. "Fine." She reluctantly agreed. While Dove, Logan, and those two guys were arguing, Ben and Audrey were watching from a tree. They had captured the kiss on camera and they had a plan. 

"I've already called Jane and Doug and they're on their way back to Dove's house in L.A. From there, we're making a hologram of Booboo that kisses me. That gets her jealous and then when Booboo's on his way home, we'll get Dove out of the house and when she comes back, Booboo will be mad because this guy that kissed her looks just like Logan! This plan is perfect!" Audrey cried excitedly. And they put that exact plan into action. The day Booboo and Cameron and Sofia were coming home Jane made the hologram of Booboo. Dove walked into the kitchen where she saw the hologram and Audrey making out against the wall. Dove dropped all the glass plates she had in her arms and they shattered on impact. Both the hologram and Audrey turned towards her but she was already gone.

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