Ruined Plans(5)

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A couple of days later they started planning. Booboo and Sofia asked if Audrey, Doug, Jane, and Ben would help them with Dove's 21st birthday. They agreed and they asked where Cameron was. "He's out with Dove. He knows about the party and he's out with her so she doesn't come here and ruin the surprise." Booboo explained. "It's also because Dove and Cam are just like siblings and they're spending time together before Cam leaves for New York to finish filming his tv show." Sofia said from her computer. 

They were ordering supplies for Dove's birthday which was 6 days away. Almost 5 hours of ordering stuff online, Dove and Cameron came home, Dove getting a piggyback from Cameron. "Hey Cameron!" Sofia cheered happily and kissed his cheek. Cam set Dove down and looked around. "Where's Boo?" She asked. "He went out to run an errand." "Okay. Cam are you up for some basketball, or are you scared I'll beat you?" Dove called dribbling a basketball. "Sorry babe. I can't let shorty beat me!" Cam told Sofia and Dove launched the ball at Cam and it hit him in the head. "Hey!" Cam protested after grabbing the ball. "Sorry!" Dove said sarcastically. 

You're on Shorty!" Cam yelled and dribbled the ball outside onto the court. Booboo came in a little bit later and he looked beat. "What happened?" Ben asked. "I accidently walked in the middle of the basketball court." Sofia snorted and ushered him over. "Okay, so Cameron and Dove are both unaware of what the huge gift is going to be and they don't even know there is one. I looked at some, but it's for you to decide." Sofia said. "Okay. Thanks Sofia. Let's just hope Dove doesn't find out." "I think she won't as long as she's distracted." "So I'm assuming you mean send Cameron out to distract her from everything?" "Exactly. He'll be around for the big surprise at the LA Botanical Gardens but then he has to leave again." 

"Perfect. Thanks for everything Sofia." Booboo said before putting all the decorations in a closet and locking it. Cam and Dove came in for dinner and Cam kept bragging that he won against Dove. "It's not all her fault." Cam said. "Why is that?" Booboo asked. "Because she's so short!" Cam said. Dove grinned and excused herself from the table and she snuck upstairs.

Later that night she sat in her doorway and watched Cam go to his room and shut the door. Any minute now she thought. "Dove! Come on!" Boo called. "In a minute." She said and then she heard Cam screaming. She grinned and laughed. She had put frogs into his pillowcase. "What was that?" Booboo asked her as she got under the covers. "Oh. Nothing." Dove answered falling asleep. 

The next few days were crazy. Cam was with her all the time keeping her distracted like Sofia and Booboo had asked him too. It was early saturday morning and Cam was taking Dove out of the house again. Except this time he was have to take her out the whole day! He didn't mind since he was really close to Dove but he wished he could help set up for the party. He ran out of ideas so he decided on Disneyland. That would keep them all busy for the day until 7:00 when they had to leave Disneyland to go back to the house for the party. 

Booboo hugged Dove goodbye and kissed her forehead and Cam did the same to Sofia. They had already presented Dove her favorite breakfast foods in bed and sang happy birthday so now all the needed was the surprise party in their huge backyard. "You excited?" Cam asked once on their way to Disneyland in Cam's black Lambo. "Yeah. But something seems off with Ben." "He doesn't have a clue Mal." "It's Dove until further notice." "I don't know. I think I liked you better as Mal." "That's what Boo says too." Dove said looking out the window. 

"Let's push that in the past. Today is all about fun." Cam said and Dove grinned. "Yeah! And for the first ride I challenge you to a round of bumper cars. Get ready to get your butt kicked!" Dove cheered laughing. They got to Disneyland and Cam handed Dove her bracelet. "I wish Boo and Sofia were here with us." Dove said snapping her fastpass bracelet on. "Me too. They said they had to do work today though." "That sucks. Let's conquer those bumper cars!" Dove said and together they walked off. 

At 7:00 they left the parks and walked with a crowd to the buses to get back to the parking lot about 10 miles away. "Uh oh." Cam said reading a huge sign. "What's wrong?" Dove asked. "The buses are only going to stop at the first five parking lots and ours is number 10." "Why don't we just get on the bus to stop five and walk?" "Dove you're in heels!" "So? I have a backpack. I can go barefoot." "What if there's glass?" Cam asked. "Then I can hitch a ride on your back. Again." Dove said putting her hands on her hips. "Fine. Let's get on the bus." Cam said. They went to get on the bus and the doors were closed. "Last bus out. Great." Cam said reading the sign. A half hour until another bus comes." Dove said reading another sign. Cam sighed and Dove pulled off her heels putting them in her bag as well as her newly bought accessories as well as Cam's and said, "Who's up for walking?" "Ten miles Dove?" "Hey, I can do it. I still have my Isle power." "You're lucky. I was beat up as a kid." "By me." "What made it worse was that you're always younger than me. Even to this day." "Sorry Cam, but that's how life works." Dove said crossing the street. 

"Come on. We might as well start now." Cam started walking along with her and Dove pulled out her phone to activate the flashlight. Cam pulled out his phone as well and it died on him. "Dang! My phone is dead! What parking lot are we at?" Cam asked Dove who was a little ways ahead of him. "2. 8 miles left." Dove said turning towards him. "I'm tempted to use magic to get us to parking lot 10." She whispered to him. "How would you do it without someone seeing?" "We go over there." Dove whispering pointing at the woods. "Jeez. They should get that area fenced or something. But when we took off from Auradon we agreed we'd all be normal people instead of offspring of 4 powerful villans." Cam said. "Okay. Then be ready for an eight mile journey." Dove said. 8 miles and an hour later they arrived at Cam's car. Cam went towards the driver's side but Dove pushed him away. "Nope. You're tired I can tell and I don't want to die on my birthday. I think you need to sleep." "You aren't Mal and you're still bossy." "You're about to collapse, admit it." Dove said opening the backseat for Cam."Fine. But when I wake up we're switching because I don't want you to get pulled over on your birthday." Cam said climbing into the backseat of the lambo.

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