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"Great. We're stuck in Paris now." Ben said complaining. "You're the one that caused us to go with them. Don't be complaining now. I guess we should just try to have fun while watching Booboo and Dove from a distance." "Audrey, don't you ever just think that Booboo and Dove could be Mal and Jay. Booboo is identical in the looks section. He's more muscular than Jay is though. And Dove is identical too, except for two things, her hair is blonde, and her eyes are a sharp eye catching deep blue." "So?" "But don't you remember when we first got here? Dove told us that Jay loved Mal a lot which is why he ran off to help her." "Again, So?" "If Booboo is Jay, the story fits in. Booboo and Dove are in 'love' as well as Cameron and Sofia. This all fits in and if the interagation back home against Cameron and Sofia, then our plan will work. Don't you miss Jay at all?" "I do, but sometimes I think he left because he wouldn't dream of giving up on Mal because they've known each other since they were little toddlers." Audrey said finishing all her unpacking. 

Right next to them, Dove and Booboo were having a similar conversation. "Boo, what if they find out?" "I don't think they will." "Right now, they think I'm Mal, and you're Jay. Audrey still loves you but she thinks you left because you loved Mal and Jay wouldn't give up on her. Ben says he strongly believes that we're Mal and Jay because the story I told them about Jay loving Mal so much he ran off and that since we're in love the story works." Dove said. "Isn't there a way to shut off your reading minds skill?" Booboo asked as he put his Rolex in the safe as well as his wallet and Lamborghini ring full of keys. "No." "Did they find anything?" Booboo asked. Dove's eyebrows knit together as she concentrated and she gasped. "They found Carlos's headphones, Evie's Magic Mirror and Fashion Book, and my spellbook." She whispered. 

Her eyes were wide with shock. "We never left them alone. How could they have found out." "Wait, didn't the first day they came here, we fell asleep on the couch?" "Yeah. Why?" "Cameron and Sofia came back hours after we did. They must've left after we had and that's when they searched the house. Can you check the footage?" Booboo asked unpacking his stuff into the drawers. Dove nodded and she put her hands to her temples and she nodded. "That's the exact day. Boo, what if they try and make us go back to Auradon. I can't go back there. Never." Dove said shaking her head violently back and forth. "Hey, calm down Dove. If they try, I'll fight every last one of them if it kills me." Booboo said folding Dove into his arms so she'd stop shaking. "You should get some rest. I'll be down in the gym working out, and I'll come back within 4 hours. Resting will relieve your mind of the stress. Plus, it's quiet here and for once, no one can barge into the room." Booboo added. "Okay." Dove said without emotion and she let Booboo lay her on the bed and cover her up. He kissed her forehead and grabbed the key off the counter by the tv. He told her goodbye and shut the lights off before leaving. 

Dove yawned and before she knew it, she was asleep. Dove dreamed about her happy Los Angeles life and how she loved that people loved her even if it wasn't true love. She had found true happiness in L.A. and she never wanted that to change. 4 hours later, Booboo came back to the room and saw how peaceful Dove looked sleeping once peacefully and in the quiet. Booboo decided not to wake her and took a shower instead. He had even washed his hair and when he came back into the main area, Dove was still curled up in the blankets and pillows. 

Booboo careful to not wake her carefully unzipped her suitcase and already knew where she would want things and when he finished fully unpacking her stuff, he also carefully sat down on the bed and tried not to wake her. He knew she would wake up with nightmare. That was one bad aspect from her life as Mal that had stayed behind. Sure enough almost a half hour later, Dove started shaking in her sleep and turning around on her sides. She snapped awake and the tears were already falling from her face. She didn't hesitate to collapse into his arms seeking his comfort. He comforted her and stroke her hair. This routine hadn't changed since day one of his childhood. Mal would always have nightmares and escape to his house. When Dove's nightmare had passed, Booboo asked her what it was about while still hugging her to his chest. 

"He dragged me back to Auradon and I was tortured all over again." She whispered and Booboo kissed her forehead. Dove kissed his lips and he said, "What was that for?" "Just making sure I still love you." She teased him. He kissed her lips and said, "Just to be sure." She grinned and she pressed her lips to his again and then a knock sounded from the door. Dove groaned as Booboo got up to answer it, and at the door was non-other than Logan Paul himself. 

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