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"Well, I guess you're right Booboo. I was just so worried that you wouldn't spend time with us anymore." "Mom, I'll always make time for family just the same way she does with her family." Booboo said promising her mom. "Fine, but I want grandchildren!" "Mom, I haven't even proposed yet!" Booboo protested. "I know. But still." His mom said. The whole family laughed and over in Los Angeles, Dove was just waking up feeling like something was missing. Suddenly all of her senses were alert. She didn't see Booboo anywhere and she told herself to look around first before freaking out. 

She noticed that Logan was standing in the doorway and he walked over to her. "Don't worry Dove. He went out last night." Logan said putting his hand on her shoulder. "Oh good. I thought he just disapeared into thin air or something." She said taking a deep breath. "Come on. Let's go downstairs and get some breakfast." Logan said and  Dove followed him downstairs. "Why is there a lot of people in my living room?" Dove asked Logan as they were passing the living room. "Booboo said they should stay so they don't end up getting in accidents." Logan explained. Dove nodded and they finished walking to the kitchen. Ben, Belle, and Adam were all sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal. Dove started to get the materials out for breakfast and she helped  Logan cook it. 

Dove was washing the dishes when her phone rang. She dried her hands and picked it up off the counter. "Hello?" She asked twirling two of her fingers through her long blonde hair. "Hey Boo." Dove said smiling. "Hey Baby." He said from the other end. "So I assume Logan told you I was gone to Santa Monica?" he asked and Dove told him yes. "So, I was talking with my family and they said they wanted to meet up this weekend on Sunday. Is your schedule free?" "I'm free. You told me to clear my weekend as you said you had a weekend plan for us." Dove said. "Yes. Good. So, I'm coming tomorrow, and we can talk then." Booboo said. He hung up and Dove put her phone. She tried to keep herself occupied as she waited for him to arrive home. When he walked through the door the next evening she almost knocked Booboo over just in greeting him. Booboo slightly picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck loosly.

Logan was already sitting on the coach and Ben was silently glaring from behind his dad's watching. Booboo walked over and sat on the couch next to Logan and Dove flipped around so she was facing the tv. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she loved every moment of every day that she spent with Booboo. Her head rested against his chest and Logan changed the tv station. "What do you guys want to watch?" He asked Belle, Adam, and Ben. They all finally decided to watch a movie instead and the movie was Suicide Squad. Cameron and Sofia were walking down the stairs and Dove told them to come the movie with them. Cameron and Sofia sat down and Sofia hit the light switch. Sooner or later, it was already Saturday and Booboo was excited and also nervous. He didn't want anything to go wrong and he wanted to stick to his plan. 

The five members of Why Don't We were already at the Botanical Gardens and he was waiting on Dove. He knocked on their bedroom door and Sofia called to him that they'd be out in a few minutes. 5 minutes later Sofia and Dove walked down the stairs and took the hands of their boyfriends. They got to the Botanical Gardens and as soon as Cameron and Dove were out of earshot Sofia whispered to Booboo, "You do have the ring, right?" "Of course." He told her. Finally it was time for the fireworks and since Booboo had reserved the L.A. Botanical Gardens all for themselves Why Don't We had no trouble coming to and from places since they weren't being swarmed.

Corbyn, Daniel, Zach, Jack, and Jonah all started singing to Dove and she didn't even realize that Booboo wasn't next to her anymore. They sang Ed Sheeran's song "Perfect" and the fireworks shot overhead and Dove immediately turned to look up at the sky. Corbyn, Daniel, Zach, Jack, and Jonah all shifted out of the way and the message the fireworks spelled out was, "Look Behind You and Beware an Innocent Surprise." Dove turned around and she saw Booboo on one knee. She knew what was happening right then and there and she couldn't believe it. Her eyes just about bugged out of her head and she covered her mouth with both hands to hide her shock. 

"Dove Jayda Cameron, I've loved you for almost my entire life. The first time I layed my eyes upon you, I was in love and I'm one of the luckiest people alive to have you as my lover. Dove, would you make me the most lucky man in the entire world and marry me?" Booboo asked. Dove's brain started processing everything and she nodded her head. "Yes." She said and Booboo stood back up and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck again and Booboo hugged her to him. They both had huge grins on their faces and Booboo set Dove back on her feet again. He took the ring out of the box and he took Dove's left hand and slid the ring onto her ring finger. Dove looked at it and hugged him again. "I love you so much." She told him and he kissed her without hesitating. She kissed him back and someone gagged. "Could you keep it nice? You'll ruin the moment?" Sofia asked teasing them. Dove grinned and they pulled away. "Let me see the ring!" Sofia demanded coming over to stand next to Dove. "That's some rock." Sofia said raising her eyebrows. "Oh shut up. I love it." She said grinning. 

"Hey wait

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"Hey wait. Sofia what's that?" Dove asked. 

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