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"Booboo! Let it go!" His mom snapped at him and grabbed his wrist on the way out the door. "Mom, you need to get a grip! I'm a grown adult and I'm doing what I want!" Booboo said before pulling his wrist free and following Mark out to his car. They got back to Logan's house and Mark knocked on Logan's bedroom door. Logan opened it and took the stuff from Mark. "Thanks Mark." Logan whispered. "Booboo wants to know if he can see her." "I'll ask her." Logan said. He shut the door and he went over to Dove. She was laying on her stomach in his King sized bed that made her look even smaller than she was with her face in a pillow. Logan sat next to her and said, "Dove?" She barely looked up at him, only showing her eyes to respond to his question. She nodded already knowing the question and Logan stood back up. Dove flipped over onto her back and stared up at the cieling. She was aware of Booboo coming in and he climbed onto the bed beside her. She was also aware of Logan's presence in his room disapearing. 

She looked up halfway and she saw she was correct. She turned to look up at Booboo and he laced his fingers with hers. Dove continued to look up at Booboo and he said, "Where did Cam go?" He asked her gently. "He went to New York to see Karan." Dove said quietly. She felt like crying all over again and she curled into Booboo's side. He moved her so she was sitting on his lap. She leaned her head on his shoulder and he held her closer to him. "Do you want to come back?" Booboo asked her. Dove shook her head. "Not yet." She said. "Your family doesn't like me." She said. "My mom doesn't but Fival, Maegan, and my dad do. Sage just adores you." "Your mom doesn't like me because I have a lighter skin shade than you do." "Not again." Booboo said sighing.

Dove looked at him and he explained to her in his brain. She nodded and she tried to smile at him. "Thank you." She said softly. "For what?" He asked pushing hair out of Dove's face. "For being with me. I'm so thankful you didn't just leave me like your mom wants you to." Dove said before clutching him a little more. "They found Sofia and George together. Cam doesn't even know what's going on. He's not even with other girls. He's with Karan at his hotel room. They're working out together and Sofia's at my house sucking face with George when she's dating Cam. What happened? We used to be so happy together and no tears and screaming happened. What happened to all the happiness?" Dove asked against Booboo's chest. "I think it's because of Ben bombarding. Ever since he came out to L.A. and stayed with us, everything's been a whirlwind of drama and heartbreak." Booboo said. His phone and he sighed again. "I better get back. My mom's going to freak. Again." Booboo said. He kissed Dove's head and he left Logan's room. She flopped back on the bed on her back again and shivered. Logan appeared at her side and she turned her head to face him.

"When do you think this won't be as awkward anymore?" Logan asked. "Probably never." Dove said softly. "You can stay as long as you need. Tomorrow maybe you'll want to help us set up the huge bounce house in my room." Dove tried to smile but this was the one time her smile failed. "Maybe. And thanks." She said. She turned on her side and covered herself with her own blanket. Logan smiled at her and kissed her forhead before shutting off the lights and shutting his bedroom door behind him. A couple of hours later Logan went up to his room with Kong. Kong was silent and did his little whine. Logan picked him up and went over to Dove's duffel bag, which the flap was already open. He got her phone charger and took her phone off his nightstand. He plugged in her phone and he climbed into his bed on the other side. As a kid, he and Dove always shared a bed on vacation because they were so used to each other. Almost everywhere they went, people thought they were dating, but they were nothing more than best friends that loved each other. Their love wasn't the kind of love like Dove and Booboo had, or Romeo and Juliet had. Their love was just best friend love, and they both knew it wouldn't progess any farther. 

In the morning, Dove stayed curled up even as Logan got up and Kong whined again. Logan got his breakfast and went to check on Dove again. She was still asleep when they went out to get the bounce house. When Logan, Mark, George, and Evan got back from getting the bounce house and brought it up to his room, Dove was still asleep. Logan told his friends to wait outside as he went into his room. Kong pawed at the bed and Logan picked him up and set him on his bed. Kong went over to Dove and whined again. Kong pressed his nose against Dove's cheek. When she didn't move, he licked her cheek and she smiled. Her eyes fluttered open slowly and she sat up. "Hey Kong." She said and she picked Kong up and hugged him. "Cam has a dog just like Kong. He runs around my house like a little jumping bean but he never makes a mess, which I'm happy about. Sofia gave him that dog. I wonder what's going to happen to him." Dove said while stroking Kong's fur. "We have the bounce house here, do you want to help us set it up?" Logan asked sitting down next to Dove. Dove thought for a minute before answering. "Sure." She said. Logan smiled knowing she was breaking out of her depressed shell. 

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