Stop right there!(32)

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Cameron's jaw tightened and Dove saw he was about to snap. "Cam, please don't freak out. Please don't." She said. She put her hands on his arms to keep him from moving but it was too late. He stood up and Dove almost fell except Cam put his arms under her to keep her from falling and he set her on the ground. "Where are they now?" "Coming out here." Dove said reading from her mind. She was scared and she saw Cam's eyes and what was flashing through them. 

Cameron waited until the door snapped open from the house. He started walking to the edge of the yard and he pulled his car keys out of his pocket. Dove's eyes widdened as she realized what was going to happen. She ran forward and clamped onto Cam's arm. Cam kept going and he knew Sofia was watching. He wanted Dove to yell so they would know what was going on. He slipped Dove's fingers off his bicep and Dove fell to the ground. He continued to his car and Dove ran after him screaming. "Stop!" He pleaded with her to do more. She looked at him with a pained expression. He told her in his mind that he needed out of here for a few days and he begged her in his mind to just act with it so Sofia would feel bad. Dove stopped and looked at him and he turned to face her. She took a deep breath and nodded. He told her thank you and he said when he came back he'd be forever in debt with her. He turned and started walking again and Dove pulled him to a stop. "Dove, stop! I'm leaving!" "NO! STOP! YOU CAN'T LEAVE!" "No, Dove I'm leaving. I don't have a use to live here anymore." "CAMERON THOMAS BOYCE! I WON'T LET YOU LEAVE THIS PROPERTY!" Dove screamed. "Watch me!" "CAMERON!" "Dove, I already told you. I'm leaving. What's the use if the only girl I love doesn't love me back?" "Cameron, I love you too! Just in a different way. Please don't leave!" Dove pleaded. "Dove, I can't. I can't even look at her face the same ever again." Cameron said getting to his car. "Stop! I'll use magic to pull you back here if I have to!" "I'll resist it just like I did to my mother!" Cameron argued. 

Booboo and Sofia were standing in the light so they could clearly see them fighting. "Cameron, please don't go!" "Dove, I already told you. I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. I don't have a use in this house anymore. Tell Sofia I love her, and she broke my heart, and I hope she gets lucky with another guy that loves her as much as I do." "Cameron! Stop you're being crazy! What will it take to keep you here?" Dove said with the tears running down her face at a constant flow. "Nothing. Dove, I need to leave. I can't live here anymore. I'm sorry Dove. You know how much I love you, but I can't stand to live here anymore." Cameron said starting his car. "NO!" Dove screamed but Cameron didn't look back as he pulled out of his parking spot. Dove chased his car pleading with him to stay but it didn't work. "I'll be back Dove. Don't worry. Don't let Sofia steal your man. I'm sorry, but I thank you so much for this." Cameron said knowing Dove would hear. Sure enough when he looked back in the mirror Dove smiled. "You love me don't you?" Cameron asked her and she nodded. 

Ever since meeting him, Dove had always put him before her and she always wanted him to be happy. She didn't care what it was as long as it was what made him happy. He saw Booboo and Sofia run up behind her and her acting face was put on again. The waterworks were running again and she kept struggling to get out of Sofia's grasp until Cam's car was nowhere to be seen. Sofia let her go and Dove looked her in the face, glared at her and shot back towards the house. They took off after her and Dove slammed the door in Sofia's face. Sofia was shocked. "What's wrong with her?" She asked. "I'm sure it's not your fault." Booboo said and he opened the door and saw Dove stomping up the stairs. She slammed the door to her bedroom again and locked herself in the bathroom and got changed. When she came out Sofia and Booboo were standing in the doorway. "Dove, what's wrong? You slammed the door in my face." Sofia said. "I know." Dove said and went over to her bed. She grabbed her phone and put it in her pocket. 

"Why are you acting like this? What did we do that makes you so upset?" Sofia asked. Dove narrowed her eyes at Sofia and she zeroed in on Sofia's mind. Sofia's thoughts were loud and clear against the dead of night. Sofia was back to thinking that she was a better lover for Booboo instead of Dove. Sofia had formed a crush on him and Dove was mad. She just wasn't mad that Cam was gone, she was mad because Sofia was thinking of ways to move in on Booboo. Sofia had apparently forgotten that Dove could see into people's minds, but Booboo hadn't. "Dove, come on! Just talk to us! What did we do that's so wrong that's making you act like a 2 year old?" Sofia said. That was the last straw for Dove. She went over to her closet and put on her shoes and Sofia looked at her. "Dove, come on! You're acting like a 2 year old!" Dove clenched her fists together and Booboo saw. He stepped in front of Sofia and her reaction was completly different from what they were expecting. Her face crumpled in heartbreak and she pushed past them and jumped over the balcony landing on her feet. She was at the front door when Sofia and Booboo reached her. 

"Dove, where are you going?" Sofia asked. "Get out of my face. It's none of your buisness. I hope you like my absense." Dove spit out at Sofia and her face crumpled again before she pushed into the darkness. Sofia instantly knew what Dove was talking about. "Wait Dove!" Sofia called out but it was no use, she couldn't see Dove and neither could Booboo. They heard the gates opening and rushed down to see Dove and an Uber car. It had started raining again and Sofia caught Dove's wrist before she got into the car. Dove whipped her wrist out of Sofia's grasp and said, "Don't touch me." She said. "Dove, please stay." "Is that what you intended? To chase Cam away so you could have Boo all to yourself? I heard your thoughts loud and clear. Thanks for stabbing me in the back." Dove said before climbing into the car and slamming the door behind her. 

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