Double Agent(23)

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True to his word Cameron called the police and they tracked Ben easily. The FBI and the CIA were sent there to find her as they were offering a HUGE amount of money as a reward for finding her. Booboo, Logan, Sofia, and Cam all stayed out long hours into the night and day looking for her. "Logan, can you explain to me what exactly happened on that mountain in Ohio?" Booboo asked one night on another unsuccessful night. "She was excited to climb the mountain and I was like 100 feet behind her and these two guys block her path. She wanted to fight them but I wouldn't let her because she would get arrested. Anyways, these guys asked her to join them in their room that night and she denyed it. They asked if she had a man and she answered yes. The two guys said they'd join her and her man then tonight and she denyed again with discgust. She went to walk away when the taller one of the two pulled her back and kissed her. The one that looked exactly like her. I had caught up by then and the damage was done. Aparently Ben and Audrey had a plan to trick us all and they did." 

"God. I feel so stupid. I know how much pain she's been put through I was just so angry and surprised that she would have done something like that." "Booboo, do you think she's dead?" "Why would you say something like that?" He said turning to face Logan. "That note. It said Your Precious Dove is gone. I hope your lives are fun without her. That makes me think he's hurting her or has hurt her enough where she might die. Booboo she's so little compared to Ben and Audrey." "I know. That's why when the FBI and CIA come back and tell us they didn't find her that I'm marching straight over to Auradon and I'm going to strangle Ben and Audrey for doing all of these stupid things! I bet Cameron knows how to hack into the secruity systems. Wait, why didn't I think of this before! The cameras at my house! Dove had them installed when she first bought the house! We should check them when we get back." Booboo said. 

They got back to Booboo's house and had Cameron and Sofia come with them to look at the secruity cameras. They rewound the footage from the day that Booboo came back in the Screening Room. And sure enough Ben was there with Audrey knocking her over into the wall by yanking her hair and then curling her up and putting her in a bag. Booboo was about to blow from anger. "Cam, can you somehow hack into the secruity systems at Auradon Prep to see if Dove is there somewhere?" "I can try but since we know Ben I suspect he'll keep her locked up in a blocked magic room." Cam answered already pulling out his laptop. 20 minutes later his eyes brightend. "I've still got it." He said. "I'm in. Where should we check?" "Everywhere." So Cam did and he checked everywhere with the cameras. "I can't see her." 

"I'm not going to give up!" Booboo shouted in frustration. "Why does this bother you that much? If Dove died, Mal still lives." Cameron said. "That's the thing. If the Dove part of her dies, she dies thinking I hate her. I don't want that. I'm a jerk for thinking she would kiss Logan. I just want her back home and safe and I want Ben in jail. I'm sure his parents won't be happy if they find the secruity footage of them kidnapping Dove." Booboo said smirking. Weeks of searching later, Booboo sat on the couch next to Logan. Cameron and Sofia were still out looking in different places and Booboo leaned his head back against the couch. "We've got to find her but she's the only one out of the five of us that has magic." Booboo said. "I'm sure-" Logan was cut off by Booboo's phone ringing. "Hello?" He said into the phone. "Booboo, this is Jane. Dove's here. Ben's gone and I've told his parents everything and I took them down to her holding cell to prove it. I let her out and now the guards are keeping watch to seem like she's in there still but more guards are surrounding her in Belle and Adam's castle room." 

"Wait, seriously? You did that?" "Of course. I understand how much Mal suffered and I don't want her to be trapped here. Also, I let her out because she's not functioning well." "What do you mean?" Booboo asked sitting up on the couch. "She's not eating, or talking, or moving. Ben thought she was having problems so he left to get the doctor. I suggest you get over to Auradon Prep as fast as you can. The FBI and CIA are on the way to detain Audrey and Ben. What they did was totally wrong and it's against the law everywhere. I looked." Jane stated proudly. "Wow. Thanks!" "It's nothing. Mal taught me more important lessons and was kind to me even though I was rude to her on Family Day, but there might be a way you can help." "Sure. I'll do whatever I can. I'm on my way right now, but don't tell her anyone's coming for her. It'll be a better surprise." Booboo said motioning for Logan to follow him out of his house. Minutes later a Limo pulled up to the curb and they climbed in the limo. "Do you have proof that Ben and Audrey kidnapped her? Like on camera?" She asked. "Yes. It's on my phone and I'm in the Limo. The driver says we'll be in Auradon in 6 hours. Please take care of her." "We'll do everything in our power. Which is a lot." Jane said. "Thank you so much. I'll see you in 6 hours." Booboo said hanging up. 6 more hours to go he thought. 6 more hours until Dove is back home safe.

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