Movie Night(27)

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Booboo thought of one more thing to ask Dove about. "Dove, could you please explain to me about the weight loss?" Dove looked away but Booboo gently put his hand under her chin and shifted her head to look back at him. "Dove, you can tell me anything. No matter what, I'll always love you. Nothing in this world will ever make me stop loving you." Dove gazed into the warm brown eyes she loved so dearly. "I thought you hate me, so I thought there was no point in living." Dove said. "I'm here now and I definetly don't hate you. I'm sorry that I made you feel that way." Booboo said. 

Dove leaned forward and pressed her lips to his softly. Booboo grinned and he kissed her back. The door to the house opened and Sofia leaned out grinning. "Hey lovebirds! Get a grip and come inside! We're watching the entire Twilight Saga!" Dove groaned and Booboo laughed. "We'll be right in Sofia!" Booboo called to her. "Hurry up!" She yelled and held the door open and shifted from foot to foot being over dramatic. Booboo rolled his eyes and Dove softly latched onto Booboo's back. He held onto her legs as he slowly and dramatically like Sofia walked to the door. They laughed together and walked into the house. It was a whole party. Everyone there was seated in chairs and on the couches. "Jeez Sofia! Did you invite all of L.A.?" Booboo asked. Sofia shook her head and smiled. 

"Sit." Sofia instructed pointing to the seats in between Cameron and Logan. They sat down and Dove looked around at everyone in her house. Mark, George, Evan, Roman, Lydia, Logan, Jake, Cameron, Sofia, Booboo, several people Dove didn't know at all, and all five members of Why Don't We were all situated in a circle in her living room. The first Twilight movie started and Dove sighed softly, only loud enough for Booboo to hear. She leaned her head against his arm and she blinked off to slumber not even halfway through the movie. No offense to Booboo, but she kinda wanted a break from watching the Twilight Saga every month. She personally loved all the Twilight Movies but too much of a good thing was bad. It felt like minutes later when she felt herself being moved and set down again. She smiled in her sleep knowing she was on Booboo's lap and she sank into deep slumber once again. 

Almost 10 hours later, all the Twilight Movies were over and everyone was pumped full of energy. "Booboo, should they stay here? Half of them are drunk and the other half is drunk on Mountain Dew!" Sofia said. "Definetly, but tell them not to make a mess or anything. Logan, come here." Booboo said. "Basically everyone here but you is buzzed either with alcohol or Mountain Dew, I'd rather you go upstairs and sleep somewhere up there, or if you want you can stay down here." He told Logan. "I'd rather sleep upstairs if that's okay." Logan said. "That's fine with me, where do you want to sleep? I mean wherever you're comfortable sleeping. The guest room's open or there's an air mattress that's open too." Booboo said standing up while keeping Dove balanced in his arms. 

"I can take the guest room." Logan said. Everyone else was told to find a spot in the living room or on the floor and Sofia, Cameron, Booboo, Dove, and Logan went up the stairs. Cameron and Sofia went to the left down to their room and Logan and Booboo went to the right to where their rooms were. Before Logan went into his room he leaned over and kissed Dove on the forehead and Booboo walked into his room and he went straight to the bed and laid Dove down and his phone bleated in his pocket. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to silence it but the notification that had been sent to his phone was two missed calls, one from each of his parents. Booboo shut the lights off in his room and covered Dove up before going downstairs to the backyard to answer the phone call to not disturb anybody in the house since it was 1 in the morning. 

Booboo called his mom and she picked up on the 2nd ring. "Booboo thank god you answered!" His mom said from the reciving end of the line. "What's wrong Mom? It's 1 in the morning here in L.A.?" Booboo asked. "I know, I'm sorry but this is important Booboo. It's Fival and Sage. We were in Santa Monica picking them up from their outing on the Pier, and Booboo, they're hospitalized for poisening!" His mom cried. "What?" Booboo said extremely shocked. "They had gotten some food that had been poisened. The doctors think it was a mix up as the server they had was 12 years old and the 12 year old told her parents where she had gotten the food from and she had accidently pulled it out of the unsanitary food bin they had which hadn't been treated yet with antibotics." "Are they all right?" "They've been in coma's for 7 hours and we didn't call yet because they were breathing but they were put onto ventilators 10 minutes ago." "What hospital are you at? I'll be there as soon as I can." Booboo said. "We're at the UCLA hospial in Santa Monica. But Booboo, promise me you won't bring Dove along." "Why not?" "This isn't her buisness because she isn't family. We don't need more people than nessassary to know about this." "Mom, I thought you know. I told Dad a while ago and he said he wanted to tell you instead of me." "What is it Booboo?" "Mom, I'm asking Dove to marry me this weekend." 

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