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She set Kong down on Logan's lap and Kong whined as she got out her clothes and went into the bathroom. "Don't worry Kong. She'll be right back." Logan said. The three boys outside Logan's room heard him talking and Dove's voice. "Logan's got a girl in there?" Evan asked. Mark nodded and George smiled. George had forgotten all about Dove being there and thought it was another girl. "It's just Dove." Mark said and George and Evan started laughing. "What's so funny? Dove's just staying here until things cool down at her place." Mark said. They started laughing even harder and Mark shook his head. Instead he turned towards George. "How was Sofia?" He asked snarkily. George stopped laughing and his smile snapped off his face. "Fine." "I heard that Cam went ran off because of her." "Leave her alone!" George snapped. "Sorry. Jeez. I didn't know you two were a thing." When George didn't deny it Mark wanted to punch something. "Dude, Cameron's dating Sofia." "It doesn't seem like Sofia is." George said. 

Mark shook his head and Logan opened the door and shut it behind him. "Where's Kong?" Mark asked. "Crawling around Dove's ankles." Logan said. "I'm starving. When Dove gets finished in the bathroom, we'll get lunch and then we'll set up the bounce house." "What about the space on the floor?" Evan asked. "It isn't messy." Logan answered. "Then where does Dove sleep? Your bed?" George said sarcastically. Logan didn't answer and George and Evan exploded into laughter. Logan whipped around. "You leave Dove alone!" He shouted and his hysterical laughing friends saw him seething with anger. "You have no clue what's going on and you better not even think of getting near her if you think of her like that." Logan said and he finished stomping down the stairs. 

Mark shrugged and said, "I told you so." and followed Logan down the stairs into the living room. George and Evan followed and Logan's cameraman joined them as well as Dove, holding Kong. "We're going to lunch, want to come with us?" Logan asked. Dove shook her head. "I'll just grab something from your kitchen." She said. "Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself? Lydia will be coming over in about an hour." Logan said. "I'll be fine. I'll chill with Kong." She said without emotion. Logan reluctantly nodded. The five guys went out to the Yeti and took off for lunch. Dove's phone rang and she went upstairs to answer it. Dove set Kong down as she went to answer her phone. 

An hour later Lydia got to Logan's house and when she opened the door, Kong was there and he started barking at her. That was very unusual for Kong. Kong bit onto her pant leg and tugged it. "What is it Kong?" Lydia asked. Kong went a few feet and whined. It was like Kong was trying to tell her something. "What's wrong Kong?" She could feel something was wrong just by walking into Logan's house. She went to Kong and he moved again barking more urgently. Lydia followed Kong more quickly and he led her out to the backyard. Lydia was about to turn around and go back into the house when she noticed something sparkly in the woods where Kong was trying to lead her. She went into the woods to see what the sparkly thing was. When she got there she almost starting screaming. 

"Oh my God!" She gasped and covered her mouth. She pulled out her phone as fast as she could and called Logan. Logan answered his phone. "What's up Lydia?" Logan asked. "Logan." She said and her voice broke. "What's wrong?" He asked. Lydia took a breath and she started crying. "I got to your house, and Logan, Kong was barking. He led me out to the backyard, and I was about to turn around and go back into the house when I saw something shiny. Kong led me straight to it, and Logan it was Dove. I think she tried to commit suicide." Lydia said and starting crying again. 

Logan had already jumped out of his seat and rushed out of the resaurants doors. "Logan?" All his friends asked. Mark was immediatly following after Logan and he saw Logan getting into his car, with tears running down his face. This was the only time he had ever seen Logan cry this much before. "Logan, what happened?" "Dove tried to commit suicide." he said. "I knew I never should have left her alone. This is all my fault." Logan said and he banged his head against the steering wheel. "Logan, it isn't your fault. Go back to her, and help her and I'll get an uber to pick us up." "Thanks Mark." He said and he pulled out and went as fast as he could back to his house. He parked his car and flew into his house. He located Lydia quickly and she pointed him to where Dove was. "Did you call an ambulence?" He asked. She nodded and she reluctantly strayed on the edge of the woods as Logan went and kneeled down next to Dove. He took her wrist and felt her wrist for a pulse and mentally kicked himself when he didn't feel her pulse. "Lydia, can you please call Booboo and tell him to get over to the hospital right away and you'll text him the directions. Tell him to contact Cam and get him over to the hospital too along with Sofia. I hope she's okay." Logan said and his tears fell faster. 

Lydia was just as surprised as Mark had been. Logan had never cried this much before and Lydia hugged him and Kong whined at their feet. "Thank you Kong. I'm so thankful I got you." Logan said and buried his face in Kong's fur. 

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