Fear of Commitment(31)

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Booboo didn't quite understand what was happening until he went after Sofia. She had locked herself in the bathroom on the first floor and Booboo knocked on the door. "Go away Cameron." Sofia said. "It's me." Booboo said and the door opened. Booboo shut the door behind him and Sofia was crying and she had almost used the entire box of Kleenex. 

"What's wrong Sofia?" Booboo asked sitting next to her on the edge of the bathtub. Sofia kept crying as she answered, "I don't know." She wiped her eyes again and her makeup was running. "There's got to be a reason why you said no. Sofia, you can tell me. It's okay." Booboo said hugging her. Sofia sniffled and answered, "I'm afraid Booboo. I'm afraid to get married. I've seen people who are married before and all they do is fight, treat each other bad, and eventually end up getting divorced and then being left alone." "Sofia, it's okay to be afraid, but could you really see Cameron breaking your heart like that? He loves you so much and it's impossible to not see how much he loves you. Are you afraid because of your mother?" Booboo asked her. Sofia blushed and nodded.

"It's okay to be afraid Sofia. I was once afraid too that when I proposed to Dove she wouldn't want to get married because her mother said love is weak. But she defied her mother and fell in love, the same as you did. Sofia, you're nothing like your mother and you don't need magic to have a lover or to be in love. Cameron's there for you." "It's not him that scares me. It scares me to call myself married. Thinking to the future I don't want to be married just yet because everyone says marriage is hard. It takes too much energy to do and after a while you just get tired of your spouse." Sofia said wringing her hands. "Sofia, listen to me. The minute I saw that you and Cameron were looking at each other the way I look at Dove everyday, I knew you guys are meant to be. You know each other so well that you know him better than he knows himself. He truely loves you and Cameron will do anything for you. I bet he doesn't know so much about marriage himself. He'll go slow for you just like you do for him when he's afraid. Sofia, if you're ever afraid, just go to him, or me, or Dove and we'll help you. Sofia, he truely loves you and he wouldn't have proposed to you if he didn't love you. Dove helped him set everything up and she told me he was afraid too." 

"Really? Afraid of what?" "That you wouldn't say yes." "So he really does love me." She said. "I have to find him. Thanks Booboo, Dove got lucky with you." "I got lucky with her too." Booboo said standing up. "I'll help you find him." He said and Sofia fixed her makeup and they went to find Cameron and Dove. While Booboo and Sofia had been talking, Dove had been outside in the rain embracing Cameron. He was crying and this was the first time since being off the Isle that he had cried. "Shh. Shh. Cam, it's okay." Dove said while stroking his hair. She held him close to her and Cam had his arms wrapped around her. "I don't understand why. Cameron said and he started crying again. Dove pulled him closer to her and kept stroking his hair. "What all happened?" She asked him softly. "I asked her, she stood there, and she shook her head, said no, and ran away." He buried his face in her shoulder and Dove put her head on top of his and just held him. She knew him long enough that words did nothing to him and contact made him feel better. 

Cameron pulled her onto his lap where she could hug him better. The rain continued hitting but neither of them cared. Cameron buried his face even closer to her and Dove felt like crying herself. She was so sure that Sofia would say yes, but there must be something behind her saying no. As she thought about it she looked at Cameron and saw how much pain he was in. "Oh Cam. I'm so sorry." She whispered and she pressed her forhead against hers. "You don't need to be sorry for me. I'm the one that brought myself to do it." "That's not why I'm sorry. I know why Sofia said no and I feel sorry for not noticing it sooner so you wouldn't have to go through this." Dove said pushing Cam's hair on his forhead back. "I'm not blaming you, but I do want to know why." Cam said. He saw Dove shivering and he pulled her closer for support. 

"She's afraid of commitment. She's afraid you'll leave her and fight with her all the time and that it takes too much energy to keep up with. She afaid you'll divorce her and leave her all alone in the world." Dove said. Cam looked away but Dove brought his face back to look at hers. "Booboo's trying to reason with her." "To do what?" Cam asked his voice getting angry. "He's trying to reason with her that you'll always be there for her. And that if she's ever afraid of commiting she can come to any one of us." Dove was about to say more when her face tuned sour. Cam saw it even though it was in the dark and he felt her tense up. Dove shut her eyes and this time she looked away. Cam did the same to her and brought her head to look at him. "Who's thinking what?" He asked her gently. "I can't tell you." "Dove Jayda Cameron, I've been your best friend since the age of 7 and you've trusted me ever since. You can always tell me anything." "That's not the point Cam! The point is I don't want you to get hurt even more!" Dove said. She realized what she said and slapped a hand over her mouth. 

"What did Sofia think?" Cameron asked her softly. Dove breathed in, "Are you really sure you want to know?" She asked him and Cameron nodded after a moment. "Okay." Dove said uneasily. "Sofia thought she should have ended up with Booboo instead of me. She thinks we should be together and not me and Booboo and her and you." Dove said tensing, waiting for his reaction.

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