Dude the Dog(4)

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A car pulled up and Dove looked up from Booboo's embrace. "Is that Sofia?" Doug asked. Cam nodded and he ran to the door. A girly scream sounded and then a slap sound emerged. "If you ever leave like that again without telling me, I'll get you harder! I missed you so much!" Sofia said. Doug stared right at her. She looked just like Evie except she was taller and had dark brown hair. Sofia and Cameron embraced and Cameron kissed her on the lips. "GET A CAGE LOVEBIRDS!" Dove and Booboo shouted at the same time. Sofia and Cameron broke apart and Sofia blushed. She hugged Dove and Cameron asked, "Where's Dude?" 

"Dove, you told him?" Dove hugged her back and Sofia went over to the portable dog carrier and opened it. She came back with a little dog that was brown, white, and fluffy. Dove's jaw dropped and she sqealed in happiness. Cameron took the little dog and the dog wagged his tail. "His name is Dude right?" Cameron asked. Sofia nodded and said, "He was named that because he was found at Dude's Sport's Center. Apparently he's a very athletic dog." Dove walked over to Cameron and pet Dude. "He's so cute!" Dove sqealed and Cameron handed her Dude. 

Dude wagged his tail again and gave a little yip. Dove was in love with the little dog upon first sight. She pet him and sat down. "Hey Booboo, I think you have competition with my dog." Cameron teased. "No way Dude. Dove's mine!" Booboo said. Dove laughed and she stood up and pecked Booboo on the cheek. She handed Dude back to Cameron and wandered off into the kitchen. Ben followed her unnoticed by anyone else. "If you're not Mal,why are there all these strawberries?"

Dove turned to Ben and smiled. "These are Cam's. He loves my set production's strawberries the best." "Oh." Ben said. "Are you sure you aren't Mal?" "Yes Ben. For the last time, my name is not Mal, and it never will be. My name is Dove." She answered and left the room with all the food. After eating they were all sitting in the living room facing the tv except for Dove and Booboo. "Where are Dove and Booboo?" Ben asked. Sofia shrugged and Cameron changed the tv channel. While everyone was watching tv, Booboo and Dove were quietly sneaking out behind them hand in hand. They reached the door and Dove opened it quickly and quietly and together they slipped out to the Uber car waiting at the curb for them. 

"Where to?" The driver asked. "Mason Drive please." Boo said. The car gunned away and Sofia grinned. "They snuck out again." She told Cameron. "It's been a long time since we did that." "How about we go out now shortie?" Sofia teased. "I'm taller than you!" Cameron protested as they stood up and put on their coats. "Cameron, we can't. We have guests." "We'll be fine here. We won't break anything." Ben said. "As long as your sure. They look trustable. Okay, but if anything is damaged or messed up, Dove will have a fit. She hates her stuff being moved." Sofia said. "Okay. When will you be back?" "Dove and Booboo will obvisouly be back before us because the paparazzi finds them faster than a bee finds pollen. But Cam and I will probably be back around midnight or so. Bye." Sofia and Cameron waved and left the house.

"Okay, Audrey and I will take Dove and Booboo's rooms and Jane and Doug can you take Sofia and Cameron's rooms?" "Sure." Doug and Jane nodded. They dashed upstairs and started looking in their rooms. "Wait, Dove and Booboo share a room?" Audrey asked Ben. "Apparently." Ben said looking at their room. "Do you really think they're Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie." "150% Yes." "What if they aren't." "Let's hope they are. Let's start looking." "What exactly are we looking for Ben?" Audrey asked. "Anything that's from the past in Auradon or anything villian related. Stuff like that." Ben said opening a nightstand.

They inspected the entire room and when they finished they had 2 pieces of evidence: A red beanie, and a pair of fingerless leather gloves. They met up with Doug and Jane and they had found something bigger. Ben regonized them easily. "Evie's Fashion Book and Carlos's dog bone headphones." He said and the four of them knew Carlos and Evie were in the house somewhere, or Carlos and Evie were Cameron and Sofia. "We should leave Dove and Booboo alone for now since we don't have enough evidence, but we can definetly confront Cameron and Sofia because Evie never goes anywhere without her fashion book and Carlos always had his headphones." Audrey said and everyone nodded.

"Let's keep searching. Maybe we can find something else." Ben suggested. "Who are you and what have you done to King Ben?" Audrey teased him. Ben stuck out his tounge at her and they walked down the hallway and Jane tripped over a huge chest sticking out from underneath a table. Doug helped her up and Ben pulled the chest out from beneath the table. He flipped open the latch and it broke off. "Okay." "Wait, if this really is Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie, wouldn't they have made it a trick?" Doug asked. "Of course!" Ben exclaimed and Doug took the broken off latch.

"Right here. There's a code that we have to crack." "That will take forever!" Audrey complained. "Then we have to find a key or use magic." Doug said. "Jane, can you reveal what's in the chest?" "I can try Ben." Jane said and within a half hour Jane had it opened. "This proves it! Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie are all here. And I know just who it is!" Ben was about to continue when the door opened. "Hurry! Grab the stuff and shove the chest back under the table!" Ben said. He grabbed Mal's spellbook and Doug grabbed Evie's mirror. "When should we confront them?" "On Dove's birthday." "What if they don't want to come back to Auradon?" "I'll figure out a plan. I'll tell my parents tonight." Ben said heading down to his room.

In the middle of the night Ben woke up because he couldn't sleep. His girlfriend was in this house and she was now dating her best friend. Ben rose from his bed and walked out of the room to go get a glass of water from the kitchen. He was to the stairs when he saw that Booboo was still awake and he was downstairs watching tv. When Ben neared he saw that Dove was asleep in his arms and she looked so happy and peaceful. Ben was jealous because Mal had never looked so happy with him before.

He made his way to the kitchen and Booboo spotted him on his way back upstairs. "Hey Ben." He said. "Oh Hi. Booboo." Ben said awkwardly. "What are you doing up?" Ben asked coming to stand next to the couch. "I don't want to move. Dove needs her sleep. There's a big day at the set tomorrow. They're filming the last episode ever." "That's sad." Ben said but inside he was happy. He could get Mal back faster. "Isn't Dove's birthday on Friday?" "Saturday. The big 21." "And how old are you?" "23. Before I forget to tell you, you and your friends are invited to Dove's surprise birthday party." "Thanks. Should we bring gifts?" "If you want. The gift Dove's going to absouloutly be surprised for is 2 weeks from Saturday." "What is it?" Ben asked. "I can't tell you. It's a surprise." Booboo said grinning. 

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