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Audrey grinned and the hologram disapeared from exsistence. Ben came out of his hiding spot and jumped over the glass. Audrey followed him and they saw Logan going into the living room and sitting down next Dove who was curled up into a ball on the couch. She pulled a huge blanket over herself to hide and Logan pulled it half way off to see her tear streaked face. "What's wrong Dove?" He asked her. She hiccuped before tilting her head to look up at him. "I went into the kitchen...and...and...Boo was there, kissing Audrey...and...she...was...kissing him back..." Dove said before collapsing further into a ball. 

Dove kept the blanket wrapped around her as Logan pulled her up onto his lap and he hugged her. "I don't know why....he would do this.... He knows how much him... and how much I need him...and how much hurt I've been put through." She said before shutting her eyes and leaning her head against Logan's chest. 

Ben and Audrey came into the living room and Dove heard footsteps on the pavement from outside the entrance to her house. Her eyes widened as the door opened to reveal Booboo. She let out a cry and scrambled off of Logan's lap leaving the blanket in her wake as she ran into the screening room right next to the living room. Booboo walked further into the house confused. "What's up with Dove?" He asked. Logan just glared at him before standing up and following Dove into the screening room. Ben and Audrey came up to Booboo and shoved a phone in his face. "It's because she's afraid to admit she made out with Logan!" Audrey said. Booboo exaimined the picture. There was 3 people in the picture and Dove was easily identifed along with two guys. One guy he didn't know and the guy that was lip-locked with Dove looked identical to Logan. As he exaimined the Logan look alike he noticed he was Logan. The eyes even matched to Logan's. Booboo was silent but angry. He marched into the screening room to see Logan trying to console a hysterical Dove. She had her head on her knees crying on them. "So it's true then." Booboo said. "What's true?" Logan asked and Dove didn't even move that told him something. 

"You made out with Logan?" He asked which made Dove's head whip up. "Of course I didn't!" "Then why are you looking so guilty?" He accused his voice raising. "You know why! Why do you think the plates in the kitchen are shattered?" "What do I know? That you're guilty that you and Logan kissed? Honestly Dove! With your best friend of all people? Is this all some sort of trick against me? To make me fall in love with you and then cry all the time to make me feel guilty and sorry for you? If you're just going to make out with other guys we shouldn't even be dating!" Booboo shouted and a noise escaped Logan's throat. "Let's talk strong man." Logan said pulling Booboo back into the living room. "First of all we didn't make out at all! And two, you shouldn't be yelling at her like that." Logan said. "Then explain why this picture says otherwise!" Booboo yelled. "That's not me!" Logan and Booboo kept yelling at each other and Dove watched from the doorway. She was about to go and stop them from fighting when all of a sudden she was knocked sideways and the world went black. Sofia and Cameron came home to Logan and Booboo screaming and yelling at each other and they noticed Dove, Audrey, and Ben weren't present. Sofia did her two finger whistle to shush them. "Where's Dove?" She asked. "The screening room." Booboo said with anger and they went back to yelling at each other. 

Sofia and Cameron dumped their luggage by the door and went to the screening room to see if Dove could explain all the anger between Logan and Booboo. "Dove?" Sofia asked going through the door. When no one answered she listened for soft noises that Dove makes. She didn't hear anything and she turned to Cameron. "She's not here." She said. Cameron's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "But Booboo said she was in here." "Maybe she's in her room or something." Sofia said turning around. "Hang on a minute." Cameron said pulling her back in. "What's that?" He asked pointing at the wall. "That looks like Dove's hair. Oh My God!" Sofia said turning away and embracing Cameron. "Cameron, there's blood on the wall and an indent in the wall that wasn't there before!" Sofia said shrieking. "Calm down. Let's go tell Booboo and Logan first off. Then we'll call the police if we can't find her. Maybe she just fell." Cameron said trying to keep Sofia from losing it. "Cameron. Look at the door." She said her voice cracking. There was a single piece of notebook paper taped to the door reading, "Your precious Dove is no more. Hope you like your life without her. And the note was signed by Ben and Audrey. "No. NO! NO!" Sofia started screaming. Cameron held her in his arms and comforted her. Booboo and Logan heard her screaming no and they came to the door. "What's wrong?" Booboo asked. "Read the note." Sofia said out of breath. Tears were running down her face and Cameron wiped them away but it was no use. 

Booboo and Logan read the note and Booboo's face turned hard. "No." Logan said at the same time as Booboo. "I thought you hated Dove for making out with me!" Logan yelled at Booboo. "This is different! She's in danger!" Booboo yelled back. "So if she was in danger you magically fall back in love with her?" Logan said. "Stop it already!" Cam yelled at both of them. "Now, tell us what happened." Cam said. "Before you two got here, Dove caught Booboo and Audrey in the kitchen making out and all your plates got smashed to pieces. Then Booboo got mad at her for this dude at the mountain we were at in Ohio kissing her." "Seriously? Did you ever think that Audrey and Ben could've tricked you?" Cam said. "Not really." Booboo said. "Well now Dove's gone and I'm going to call the police." 

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