Santa Monica(28)

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"WHAT?" His mom screamed through the phone. "I didn't stutter. I said I'm asking Dove to marry me this weekend." "No you aren't." "Oh yes I am." "Oh no you aren't." "I'm going to ask her and nothing's going to stop me this time." "What do you mean this time?" "I was going to ask her after Cameron and Sofia got home from Italy so Sofia could help get all the plans ready, but she got kidnapped." "You're not going to ask her to marry you." "Yes I am Mom!" "We'll talk about this later." His mom snapped and hung up on him. 

Booboo rolled his eyes and went back inside his house. He walked back up the stairs and he knocked on Logan's door softly. Logan answered and told him to come in. "Logan, I hate to bother you like this, but I have to get to Santa Monica stat for family. My mom also just found out about Saturday and she's refusing to let me do it, so I've got to go work that out. Could you just tell Dove in the morning? Don't let her follow me either. My mom didn't sound too happy about me deciding to propose to her and my mom could freak out on her and Dove would get hurt again." Booboo asked Logan. "Sure. Are you going to be back in time for Saturday? It's already Tuesday and sometimes family buisness lasts longer than a few days." "Don't worry Logan. I'll be back." Booboo said and he walked back to his room. 

He silently packed and Dove was knocked out like a light she was a deep sleeper sometimes and this was one of those times. Booboo kissed her forehead softly and then went out to his Uber and the Uber took off for Santa Monica. He arrived at the hospital and he was directed towards his family. He walked down the hallway and he was greeted by his mom glaring at him. His sister Maegan and his dad were standing off to the side watching them both. "Booboo." His mother said sternly. "Hi Mom." Booboo said greeting his mom. "Let's talk." She said. She sat down in the lounge section that was empty of people. His mom pointed him at the seat across from her and he sat down, Maegan sat on his left side and his dad sat on his mom's right side. "You are absolutley NOT asking Dove to marry you." His mom said. "Yes I am mom. I'm a grown adult and I'm aloud to make my own decisons." "I don't want you to marry her." His mom said glaring at the wall behind him. 

"Why not Mom? Tell me why not?" Booboo asked. "It's because she doesn't like the color of Dove's skin and her height." Maegan said. Booboo turned towards her and her mom glared. "You swore you wouldn't tell." His mom said. "Mom, c'mon! We've been through this before! I don't care what color she is. If she was purple or green or blue I would still love her either way. Height doesn't matter to me either. You always said yourself that a person's look doesn't matter, what's on the inside is what matters." "Well I changed my mind." His mom said and Booboo rolled his eyes. "Mom, I hate to break it to but I'm still going to ask her to marry me. I don't see what's so wrong with asking her to marry me." Booboo said and Maegan nodded. "I agree mom. He should marry Dove if he wants. I see how Dove looks at him. She loves him just as he loves her mom. Is that the only reason why you're holding back on this?" Maegan asked. Booboo's mom just shook her head. 

"I want you to marry a woman who at least is 5 feet tall and is the same race as you." "Mom, Dove is 4'9'." Booboo argued. "She's not the same race." "So what? She's just as human as us. Mom, tell me. I know this isn't why you don't want me to marry Dove. Tell me the real reason." Booboo said. His mom sighed and she looked him in the eyes. "I don't want you to marry her because she takes away from all of your family time. All those other girls you dated before her were always allowing you to see your family now and then." "Mom, they weren't around because they never spent time with me. They were filming movies and tv shows. Dove never permits me from seeing my family." "Are you sure? What about at Christmas?" "Mom, that wasn't Dove's fault!" Booboo said. "Then who's was it?" "Mom, I was sick! Dove didn't cause me to get sick!" Booboo said starting to get angry. "Don't raise your voice at me!" His mom warned. "I just want to understand why you dislike Dove so much." Booboo said through clenched teeth. "I don't want you to leave." His mom said. 

"Mom, I'm not leaving. I literally live a half hour away from your house in Beverly Hills." Booboo said. "Not that. Leaving your family behind. You won't visit, you won't call, you won't make time because I know you Booboo, and you'll want to start a family and we'll never hear from you again." "Mom, I'm never going to do that. Dove's family had the same worry but we're family, and family never gets left behind. Trust me, when the family card starts to expand, you'll hear about it right away. Mom, I'm not going to leave the family or you behind when I get married." "I have a question Booboo. How come you keep saying when family gets expanded and talking about getting married?" Booboo's dad asked. Booboo grinned, "Dad, you know Dove. She'll say yes. Even her best friend said she'll say yes because she doesn't love anything, even Starbucks than me and that's saying something because she gets Starbucks everyday." 

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