A day with Logan Paul Part 2 (8)

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Dove looked at him and nodded. "Another reason why I had you and Mark wait outside was because if Boo doesn't know a guy and I just walk in with two strangers on him, he'll go crazy because he thinks he's not good enough for me." "So why us standing outside?" "Because I didn't want to get a phonecall saying, you have to pay for the damage of Mark Dohner and George Janko. Boo has huge muscles, bigger than Logan's and I know two things 250%. 1, Mark has a fanboy crush on me, and 2, if Boo knew, which he doesn't so Mark can stay alive." "You're making it seem like Boo would attack." "He would. He does Fencing, Archery, Lacrosse, Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, and wrestling. If all, Boo would attack a bear if it came to my safety." 

"Jeez. I'm glad I don't have a crush on you." "Yeah. Cam isn't really the one to attack if someone moves in on Sofia. He'll just get Boo to do it for him somehow." "So Dove, what you're telling me is that, if Booboo finds out some guy has a crush on you, he would attack the guy." "If he was trying to move in on me, then yes." Dove said silencing as Mark got in the car. Dove pulled out of the gas station and they arrived in Vegas a little bit over an hour later. 

Dove parked the car and got out to talk to Cam. "Cam, I know something that you probably won't like, and please don't get Boo to hurt this guy." "Let me guess, some guy has a crush on Sofia?" Cam asked. "Yeah. But I told him that she's dating you and I also told him that when it comes to things like this Boo would attack him so I think he's going to stay away from her in flirting wise." "Thanks Dove. How did you get Booboo to let you take his Lamborghini?" "I asked polietly." Dove said smirking. "That's a load of bull Dove." Cam accused her. "Fine. So I made out with him to get the keys but as long as I don't wreck the car, I'll be fine." Dove said. "What Lambo are you driving?" "The neon green one." "Sick. But I'm still going to beat you." Dove said punching Cam in the shoulder. While Cam and Dove were talking George pulled Mark aside.

"Dude, you can't ask Dove out like you were going to." George said quietly. "What? Why not?" "Dude, her boyfriend is in almost every sport imaginable. He does Fenching, Archery,Lacrosse, Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, and wrestling." "She's probably just saying that to fool me." Mark said smirking. "I'm not kidding. Booboo Stewart is her boyfriend and according to what she told me, he's just like Superman. Muscles of steel. Muscles even bigger than Logan's." "Nah Dude. No way." "I guess we'll find out at the party tonight." George said. 

They did the Lambo races and Dove won. Walking back the mile to the parking lot, Dove hopped onto Cam's back and he just laughed as they continued walking. "Why are you on his back?" Jeff asked her. "Because I won and winner's deserve a ride back to the parking lot." Dove said. "Or maybe it's because you're getting me back for beating you at basketball again." Cam said. Dove laughed and she looked at Logan. "Logan, have you raced a Lambo before?" "Of course. I came out here once before and beat everyone. I came out at like a 53 second time and you got a 39 second time. How did you do that?" Logan asked. "Some teaching. I know a guy that's super sporty and strong."Dove answered."I didn't teach you though." Logan said laughing. 

 Dove rolled her eyes and asked who was coming to her house tonight. "All of us except for Jake because he's leaving for Colorado." Logan answered. "Cam, what's going on tonight that all these guys are coming over?" "Hey, in my defense there's more than just guys coming tonight. Sofia will be there." Cam said laughing. "Any other people?" "Oh yeah. Your sister's coming in, along with your mom." Cam said. "Any other females at all?" "Yeah. I think Fival is coming." "Are you sure that's it?" "No. Lydia's coming too isn't she?" Cam asked Logan. "I'll ask her." Logan said.

They raced the dune buggies and by the time they were done, everyone was tired except for Dove. She hopped on Cam's back but he set her right back down. "Come on!" She protested. "Nope. I didn't lose. Plus, you're breaking my back bones." "You baby! I only weigh 78 pounds!" Dove protested. So instead she moved on and gently jumped onto Logan's back. "Dove! You're almost lighter than Kong!" Logan exclaimed in surprise. "That's why I'm perfect for this job." Dove said teasing. They got back to the parking lot and Cam talking to Logan and Dove's phone rang. She got down from Logan's back and answered it walking away from the group a little bit. "Don't worry! The Lambo is fine!" Dove said into her phone. "Yeah. We're leaving Vegas in a bit. Yes, I think we're coming straight home. Great! I can't wait!" Dove said hanging up. She walked back to Cam and tapped his shoulder. "Sofia just called. She said she was picking up your sister from the airport so I'm thinking you guys are throwing me a party." "How'd you know?" "This morning I saw the backyard. I'm sad we missed the party last night." Dove said. "Which is why we're leaving now to go celebrate now. But there's a good surprise there that will freak you out. You'll love it even better than your necklace." Cam assured her. 

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