Pussy Lip Problem (Camren)

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"Loner...wake yo milky ass up." -Chamomile whispers. Lacrosse groans- "Is yo big booty ass really pulling a Nosering and Dynomite from the last chapter?"

Charisma nods with a big ass gay smile.- "Ya damn skippy! Now get up, with yo old raincoat face ass!"

"Ugh, why?" -LifeAlert looks at her. "And why are you naked?"

Chalkboard pouts in gay- "I gotta question."

"Why couldn't you Google it? I'm sleepier than I muthafucka."-rubs eyes violently like she saw Trump naked...wait, TF EW *throws up in Spanish*

"They'd fuck around and tell me my headass got AIDS."

Lightbulb groans and sits up- "What the hell yo ass want?"

"My head hurts and my pussy's bleeding."

"....You might be on your period, you dirty herpe-ed microwave."

"No, bitch hoe slut...like there's a cut on my left pussy lip...or is it my right?" -looks off up at the ceiling.

"How...the fuck did you cut yo... pussy lip?"-throws hands up

"OK, so my gay ass went to shower and I looked down at my pussy and thought 'Imma wake Lowkey up with a mouthful of Cuban puthy' but I was looking like Chewbacca fur so I decided to shave. But then, my phone was jumpin' so I checked it and that old bitch headass Michellin Honda texted me sayin' 'I love my girls fresh out high school' and I was like 'choke' and he was like 'on yo tits' and I laughed and said 'bitch, where? I'm basically a little boy.' Then Tropical Snake hit me up and I dropped my razor in the toilet and I was like 'look what yo white ass made me do!' Lesbian Jesus face ass hit me up again and I said 'I'm tellin the po-lease that grandpa face ass is trying to get with a little boy.' My gay ass had to block him on IG, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, YouTube, Bebo, MySpace... Like the bitch follow my fan accounts, dawg! Anyway, I couldn't find a new razor so I grabbed the hedge clippers and snipped my lip."

Luigi- "......"

Carwash- "😊"

Lightswitch- "...what...the fuck?"

Citrus- "Oh, and I slipped and hit my head on the toilet trying to get out and I flushed my razor."

Lysol sighs- "Lemme see how big the cut is, child."

Krabby patty lays down and opens her legs. Lunchtime puts on surgery gloves and a mask.

"Good news is you're hairless and the cut isn't deep...bad news is, there's stray hair and blood all on yo pussy so no head for you."

Clapback cries in gay.-"But-But-But I NEED MY HAIRLESS, H-HURTIN, COOBIN PUTHY ATE!!!"

Language pulls mask down and takes the gloves off. She snaps the glove and it hits Crocodile in the face. -"OOOOOUUUUUCCCCCHHHHHH!!! YOU PICKLED NAPKIN!!!"

-"I'm sorry, Cranium." Her head ass laughs like a the fuck hyena.

Kickball sits up holding her red ass face. Crying like a newborn. -'Imma kill you in yo sleep, puta."

-"Youre gonna have to..." She gets up and runs off. -"Catch meeee!!!" Cap'n Crunch growls in gay, gets up and runs... straight into a wall.

Liposuction runs backwards and sees her ass on the floor, ass up. "-This clumsy bitch head ass." She shakes her gay head.

-I don't know

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