Interview With A Fuckboy: A Series (Brooklyn)

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Interviewer: Welcome back, everyone! Today on FUCKBOY SERIES! We have here today, Allysus "King Jesus in this bitch" Brooklyn

Ally: (nods) Damn right

I: So usually on this show, I'd ask everyone the same questions, but since the last show, Denim and Kodak ripped up my cards backstage I had to-

A: Wait, are you wearing a Camren shirt?

I: (slowly zips up jacket) No?

A: ..... Jesus don't like liars

I: Are you referring to-

A: Myself, yep. Ya damn skippy.

I: Ahem, okay, some of these questions are based off of your bandmates, okay?

A: (nods) I can get with that

I: Ok, first. What was the most annoying thing Camila-

A: Her fine ass (licks lips)

I: uhh... what was the annoying thing she did?

A: Kinda a dick of a question, huh?

I: I- uh

A: But the most annoying thing she did happened on Thanksgiving

I: What did she do?

A: If You shut up, I'll tell you. Anyway, it was Thanksgiving and I asked her to say grace..... big mistake. So, first she tells us to "bow your eyes and close your heads". Then she says, "Aye, whaddup Jesús?!" And I smack her head and say, "Be serious!" She goes, "OK...damn!...uh, Dear Jesus...thank you for this food we bouta crush in your name..." and Dinah says, "Hallelujah" like P!aTD

I: OMG, I love them

A: Let. Me. Finish. Then Camila says, "Like my baby threw down, son! Shit, a bitch finna-" but I cut her off by gay glaring at her and Dinah sneaks some potatoes in her mouth like I ain't notice. So, Camila continues and say, "Thank you, though, for everything... And thank you for waking me up from my high nap since somebody *glares at Normani* was too busy blasting Rihanna in their broke ass iPhone headphones to get me up...I missed AHS!" And Lauren tells her, "Shit was good...Lady Gaga was in it."

I: Was it Hotel or-

A: Interrupt me again and Imma shove my small ass foot up yo ass

I: Sorry, Jesus

A: So, Camila sucks her teeth and I tell Lauren that she wasn't helping and she apologizes while looking like a damn kid. Normani asks if we can hurry up, because her stomach was yelling at her...and that the chicken looking like Lauren...

I: Huh?

A: "Scrumptious"

I: Oh wow

A: Right. So I was like, "No sexy talk during prayer! Mila, continue" and she was like "Yeah, so, uh, bless this food, homie. Oh, and don't think I forgot about you beating off and getting a tat of my girl, lucky you in heaven or I'll-" and Dinah was like, "Stop threatening Jesus, Walz!" And Camila was like "Then he better come correct or I'm putting the paws on him, feel me?" I get mad and she goes, "A'ight, a'ight...uh, amen...oh, PS...can you tell Micheal-Mitchell-Mason-Monkey Bars to stop talking to me? He went to middle school with my dad, fam and I'm just a kid!"

I: Who's Michael-Mitchell-?

A: Her dad's childhood best friend, but I'm real close to shoving something very large in your asshole. You got one more time to interrupt me.

I: (scared shitless)

A: Then Normani says, "True, you do act your shoe size." And Camila finishes by saying, "Anygay...though, I got yo back, homes. Yours truly, Li'l Bello from the block." Turns out, she sent the prayer to a cholo who died from choking on an elote.



I: Um, that story alone took up all the time we have so thank you, King Jesus

A: Good, because I got someone to do

I: Don't you mean something?

A: (stares at them) No, bitch, I got Camila and the girls of Little Mix in the van and I just took my vitamins (winks; leaves)

I: 😨 (flips through the cards; looks at cameraman) Uh, so who's next?

Cameraman: (shrugs) The first one that KJ finishes with?
I: Maybe?

Who does Ally finishes with first?:

Jeed "Thicc Crispy Cakes Supa Base" Three Wall

Platypus "Make You Wetter Than A Bayou" Edwards

Jesminda "Big Titties, Big Dick" Needle

Lee "Like My Coffee With Two Sugars" Pincock

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