This Bitch Had The Audacity...

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So I was talking to my brother's girlfriend, right and I had my music in my headphones that were around my HLT started playing...the convo went something like:

GF: who's that?

Me: Just the baddest females that I'm grateful I share a generation with *shows phone*

GF: ugh I don't like them

Me: why

GF: I mean their music is a'ight, I don't like them as people

Me:...uh, they're fucking sweethearts...where you getting your info from?

GF: Like, idk all their names, but I know one is racist and thinks she's the Beyonce of the group, one think she's black, one thinks she's the best cause she's black, one's a pothead, and one is just there, like...

Me: (here's when I shut shit down) OK, first, you sure know alot about a group you dont like, eh? And second, that "racist" one, my baby daddy, Camila, said the n word on twitter back in 2012, she apologized for that. And you dunno what her head ass thinking, I just know that she's killing it. The "wannabe black girl" isn't trying to be black-,

GF: I mean she up there twerking and shit and listening to black music like no, honey

Me:...I listen to "white music" and I hate fried I white or tryna be? No, okay then. But anygay- ah, shut up- anygay, she ain't tryna be nobody but her damn, and that is Dinah Jane the fuck Hansen. As for Normani, cause that's the black girl's name, she is chilling and slaying bitches left, right, side, side, up, down- I said shut up- Lauren, aka pothead, is grown asf, we don't know her life -lemme finish, thot- if she wanna roll up, I know you gonna let her... And  Ally...ooh, beby...she's literally the sweetest, least problematic person ever...nothing bad has ever been said about her...except for when an interviewer called her the least important suck my dick, Monica

GF: I honestly don't care about all that shit...I still don't like them

Me: you basing your opinion on what? your fucking research, would you like it if I said "Oh, I hate blah blah because they think they the shit"?...hushed mode, thot

GF: *walks out*

And that's when I shut down a hater and protecting our girls at THE SAME DAMN TIME!!!

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