Drunk Ass (Lerrie)

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Perrie's been hanging out with her ex, Alex, a lot lately. The two have broken up on good terms and decided to remain friends. The reason they broke up was because Perrie admitted that she was actually into girls more than guys.

She was gay, dawg.

Alex took it well, saying he knew from the way the Geordie would look at girls when they went out on dates. It hurt the dude's ego a bit, but he'd be a'ight.

They were currently at a bar, talking, laughing, and drinking. They were swapping stories all night until they left in an Uber. "You sleep well, Platypus," he slurred.

"Bitch, don't tell me what to do," she stumbles into the house, muttering something about Alex "not being my daddy, the fuck?" She flips on the light, screaming when she's face to face with an angry looking Leigh-Anne Pincock... shit, I mean Pinnock.

"Where have you been, Perrie?" She asks, hands on her hips. Perrie looks at her with dead eyes, "I was fucking getting money."

"Show me, then," she says defiantly. Perrie shrugs and struggles to go in her shallow ass girl pockets (like seriously, why they so shallow?) and finally pull out a stack of $100 dollar bills....

In Monopoly money.

Leigh-Anne looks at the papers, then Perrie, then the papers again. Perrie stands there with a cocky, but very drunk, look on her face. "I'm rich," finger guns "bitch." Leigh snatches the money from her, "Babe, you're drunk."

The Geordie rolls her eyes... well, tried to. Bitch really just blinked. "No, I'm not! I'm Perrie!" Leigh groans in irritation, "Jesus Christ!"

"Why you calling Ally Brooke for? She's not here," she says. Leigh-Anne rubs her face then stares at the girl in front of her. "Go lay your ass down somewhere," she demands, her southern accent coming out.

Perrie perched her lips like 'chile, please, I'm grown'.

"No thanks," she said in a valley girl voice. "I'd rather stand here and count my... oh, can I have my money back?"



"Because I said so."

"But why?"

"I just said because I said so."

"...yeah, but why?"

"Perrie, I will slap the shit out you."

Perrie pouts and starts walking to their room. She strips completely naked and lays down, singing, "Finally love me naked. Sexy is when I'm confident." Leigh-Anne comes in with water and Advil and sets it beside the girl on their night stand.

She sits beside Perrie, looking at her with a stank face. "Who gets drunk on a Wednesday night?" And without missing a beat, Perrie says, "Me, bitch."

Why do she put up with her?

*I'm tired and currently talking to a bunch of crackheads

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