Ok, so.....

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I've been seeing a lot or Tyren shit and fr fr they cute...like its obvious she's happy and if she's happy w Grandpa Ty, then we should support HER (not THEM, that's dead, son)

But a ship I REFUSE to stan is Mattmila or what the fuck ever...

Like I find it hilarious how one second, she doesn't do public relationships for privacy, but now? She's with her dad's best friend from high school...ALSO...the nigga on some other shit...

Remember a while back, I exposed him to being a cheating thief? Stealing and lying to all those women? Uh, no, sweaty...Camila doesn't need that...on top of that, they look awkward together and I noticed the pics and vids of them seem too close...like that one backstage...a fan couldn't have taken that, right? Like wtf?

😂Funny Ass 5H And LM Shit😂Where stories live. Discover now