5H Short Story: Ghost Asf (ft You)

437 22 10

(Text; based on true events)

Diyonce👑: Y/N

Y/UN: Waddup, hoe?

Diyonce👑: Remember that time we were little? That day at the diamond?

Y/UN: 😱 Please, no...I still have nightmares about that...

Diyonce👑: It was heavy on my mind. I just started thinking about it. Thought you forgot tbh

Y/UN: Bruh, no, mane...that was too traumatizing

👅💦Laur: Babe, what happened?

💋NorMAMI: Yeah, if Y/N Badass having nightmares

Diyonce👑: Okay, so Y/N and I were about 12 and 13. it was a few days into summer break and I had some friends from school over. It was five of us, three girls and two boys. Me, Y/N, my friend Andi and her brother Mason and this dude Drake

Y/UN: It was around like 3 or 4. And we were bored asf so Drake was like, let's go to the park. We all went, taking baseball gloves, a ball, and two bats. We were known to always play there anyway

Diyonce👑: Beside the diamond tho? Was a graveyard. Like a nice sized joint with a big metal gate separating us...

Allysus😇: Screw that! I would've been out!

Y/UN: No, but listen, a bunch of trees blocked it, so we ignored it a lot...it was easy to miss from the ways we'd walk...but, we played about three and a half innings before Andi was like let's go jump the fence...Dinah and Mason was like hell nah

Diyonce👑: But Drake and Y/N was all for it...

👅💦Laur: I'm dating a dumbass

Y/UN: This was almost ten years ago, babe!

👅💦Laur: Still a stupid dumb dumb head

Diyonce👑: ANYWAYS, after a while we were all like fuck it and dropped our shit...there was this short path that led to the gate...Andi went over first then Mason, then me, the Drake...Y/N was scared of heights, so we broke a hole in the bottom of the fence...

Y/UN: We started doing dumb shit like jump over grave stones to catch fireflies, throwing bugs on each other, scaring Andi, hitting each other with big sticks and shit...

Diyonce👑: Ralph, your girlfriend's short legged ass did front and backflips off of the stones...



👅💦Laur: Still a dumb fuck

Diyonce👑: Now that I think about it, the streetlights would come on when the fireflies came out, but none was shining on the yard...

Y/UN: 😱Bruh...

Allysus😇: 😨

💋NorMAMI: Fuck...

Koala🐨🍌: Oh, hell, no, I would've NOPED tf up out there...miss me w that scary shit, cuz!

👅💦Laur: Continue. I wanna know what happened

Diyonce👑: But then, Andi stopped and pointed ahead of us at this big ass tree and was like, yo, what's that?

Y/UN: Then I stood on a flat head stone and saw like a shadow of a person in a long ass coat and a hat...we all stared and Dinah was like what the hell is that and was like I dunno cuz...then Drake called out to it and it ain't move or nun

💋NorMAMI: All y'all was dumb, not just Y/N

Koala🐨🍌: Shut up Mani! I wanna know...*gets popcorn*

Y/UN: Drake said hello again and we were dead quiet...like you couldn't even hear our breathing...it felt like, what? 5 minutes before it started to move...

Diyonce👑: Crazy part? The grave yard was full of twigs and leaves and shit.. We ain't hear nun crunching...it wasnt even that far from us so we could've heard...

Y/UN: I was still on the stone and then I froze up when I was able to see who or what it was...my eyes was big asf and I remember my legs felt weak...it was floating to us...bruh, I stumbled off the rock, but I was still looking at this thing

Diyonce👑: We realized it was an old man...his hair was all white and stringy under his hat and he did have on a long trenchcoat...

Y/UN: Then we all screamed...and I mean screamed...that dude had hollowed out eyes, white skin and his mouth was sewn shut...

Diyonce👑: I was tryna pull Y/N and Drake while Andi pulled her brother and we hauled ass...

Y/UN: I got stuck on the gate by my shirt and Dinah was screaming tryna get me out...we were crying hard af too...I remember I threw up from that

Diyonce👑: I couldn't get her out, so she literally ripped off her shirt and we ran all the way to my house...Drake, Andi and Mason were already gone...

Y/UN: I'll never forget that face...thanks Dinah😒

💋NorMAMI: y u ain't tell us, you sluts?

Y/UN: We just did, you dildos...plus, it ain't something I wanted to talk about, until now thanks to my building of a cousin

Diyonce👑: I mean...

Allysus😇: Y'all basically saw the devil

💋NorMAMI: Bruhh...😦


Koala🐨🍌: *finished popcorn* Dammit...

nalaindigo: omg

Diyonce👑: Yep...that happened...

Y/UN: Scariest shit ever, fam


Y/UN: Am what I eat

Allysus😇: So, you're Lauren now?

Y/UN: 😳

Y/UN changed Allysus😇 to Allysin😈

Allysin😈 changed Y/UN to Lauren's Bitch

👅💦Laur changed Lauren's Bitch to Daddy Y/N🍆

Daddy Y/N🍆: You know it baby😏😏

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