chapter 9 - bad dreams

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~Johnny's POV~
what i saw was Kenzie's stepdad beating Kenzie. over and over again. now i know the truth and i have to stop it. i have never ran so fast in my life. i saw the door wide open and i rushed in there and went to Kenzie's room and shoved her stepdad
S: how did you get in here!
J: your door was wide open
S: get out!
J: no i will not. Kenzie's room window is across from me so i saw everything and i could report you!
S: you'll do nothing!
J: leave Kenzie alone or you'll be put in jail for what you've done to her!
the next thing i knew he was shoving me out of Kenzie's room and he shut the door behind him and i saw him grab a gun and i froze. he put his finger on the trigger and...
K: Johnny?
i opened my eyes and saw Kenzie. it was all just a dream. wait she's talking?
K: Johnny are you okay?
J: Kenzie you're talking
K: i know
J: but i thought...
L: she started talking to save you
i looked over at my door and Lauren was standing there.
J: I'm confused
K: I'll explain and sorry if you can't hear me that well. i haven't really talked in awhile so my voice is kinda hoarse from yelling
~flashback from Kenzie's POV~
we were walking home from school and as we were walking i saw Johnny getting dizzy and i looked at him but i obviously didn't say anything and the next thing i knew he was on the ground and his eyes were closed and that's when i knew i had to say something.
K: somebody help! please somebody!
i screamed at the top of my lungs and didn't stop until i saw one of the neighbors walk over to us and call an ambulance.
~end of flashback~
L: Kenzie said you were out cold
J: so that's why I'm at the hospital?
L: yeah and you were moving around in your sleep
J: i just had a bad dream
L: well I'll leave you and Kenzie alone
Lauren left the hospital room.
J: Kenzie you don't have to talk since you're hoarse but why did you save me?
K: i...
what will Kenzie say?
(are you guys happy i finally posted? and are you happy that Kenzie talked?)

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