chapter 36 - dance lessons

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Carson= (C)
~Johnny's POV~
she had wrote 'i could give you some dance lessons' i laughed and she looked at me confused
J: i don't dance, i can't dance. there's no way you could teach me how to dance
K: 'never say never'
i looked at her and smiled but shook my head
J: there is absolutely no way you're teaching me how to dance
K: 'pretty please'
she looked up at me and gave me those puppy dog eyes again. ugh she looked so adorable. that's not fair
J: okay okay fine you can teach me how to dance
she smiled and put her notebook and pencil down and stood up and i stood up as well
J: wait, we're going to need assistance if you're going to teach me
she looked at me confused and i pulled out my phone and called Carson
-phone call-
C: hey bro what's up?
J: you still dance right?
C: yeah why?
J: well Kenzie wants to teach me how to dance
C: oh no she's going to need some assistance if she's teaching you, I'm on my way
i laughed a bit and shook my head
J: okay thanks bro
C: anytime man
-end of phone call-
J: my friend Carson's on the way
she nodded
J: crap i should've told him where we were. I'll just text him
(text convo below)

okay i texted him and he said he's on his way

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okay i texted him and he said he's on his way. she nodded again and we sat in silence for a few minutes until Carson walked over to us and i gave him a bro hug
J: thanks for coming dude
C: it's no problem and i was going to volunteer myself anyway if she's teaching you how to dance
he laughed and i hit him playfully
J: shut up dude now let's get started
C: wait i need a girl to dance with so i can show you how it's done
J: i got the perfect girl
C: who?
J: i...
what girl is Johnny talking about?

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