Outcome of a Relaxed Eater

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So, due to being off on the holidays, I've had a couple of weeks of basically no exercise routine and eating whatever was most convenient rather than healthy and the results are:

That dreaded moment,
Nothing fits.
I can be positive all I want,
Doesn't mean,
A thing.

When my skin is pinched,
My confidence burst.
I need to find,
A happy medium.

For me, it's all about balance and the scales have definitely been tipped towards the not giving a hoot side 😊 I don't regret it, as I've had a wonderful two weeks with my kids but I also know for my own sanity I need to feel strong and in control again (so that the dreaded D word doesn't try tempting me once again!).  So it's back to moderation and realisation once again.

  So it's back to moderation and realisation once again

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