Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl.
So full of honesty and kindness,
But the world made her feel worthless,
As she didn't fit in with their likeness.
So over time, she believed their opinion,
Rather than believing in herself.Until one day, she saw another,
Falling foul to all their judgement.
How could she have been so blind,
Believing lies, when all along she'd known the truth?So from that day forward, she made a promise,
To never again listen to their words,
And she would also ensure that she helped others,
To finally realise their own true worth.Sometimes it's easier to see the mistreatment of another as unfair and unjustified to realise that the same mistreatment of yourself was equally unfair.
Image: Searched online - from flickr.com
A Weight off My Mind - Time to Live
شِعرRegardless of size, putting your life on hold until you reach that perfect weight, does no one any good. This will be my collection of poems reflecting on societies obsession with weight and size and the effect this has on us and how we can change...