Thank you

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Thank you everyone.. I have never expected such a wonderful response from you guys.. It really means a lot. I'm over whelmed by such a positive reply from you all..

Thank you so much..
I'll try my level best to keep up to your expectations.

I just want to clarify that this story will have a slow progress. I just don't want to jump into situations but I want the situations to evolve as naturally as they could. It might be kind of dragging, but whenever you feel that it's being dragged unnecessarily, please feel free to pass your opinion.

I also want to give all the couples equal importance though the main plot revolves around abhigya. Akash and Rachana played a key role for tashan between abhigya. So I want to include them to in the main story.

Before purab elopes from his marriage, I want Abhi to understand Pragya so that he can trust her. It might take time as trust cannot be built within a day, that too towards a person whom he hates the most..

Considering all these, rabul's marriage scene will take some more time to come up.. Is this ok with you all?

And one more thing,
I will not be able to update the story everyday but I'll post them at least twice a week. I assure you that the updated part will be long enough to feel the continuity of the plot.

Is this ok with you guys?? Please do comment and express your views..
Waiting for your response..

Once again thank you so much for supporting me and this plot.

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