Chapter-21 (a)- The Note

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Hello all..
Thank you very much for your lovely votes and voicing out your opinions through comments..

Guys, this is actually a very long chapter. I've tried to include all the things I've wanted to add but then it turned out to be so long that I'm having to split this chapter too into two parts. I'm sorry for that..

I hope you enjoy reading :)


Pragya was really happy to find that maybe, just maybe Abhi slowly was starting to try not to hate her, well, it was enough for her to find a simple smile from him only for her after bearing months of his indifference. He made her speak of her heart with him though it was not needed, yet she was happy unlike any other who might have been in her position to find a simple but yet, a positive improvement in their relationship which was more than enough for her.

This time too, she stood there, in their balcony, this time, with a happy smile dancing on her lips and calmness within the depths of her chocolate brown eyes. She wanted to respect the fact that he slowly started to let her in to his world but at the same time, she didn't want to make him feel that she was desperately waiting for one opportunity to enter the world of riches and be called herself greedy by HER husband..

(Before continuing further, I want you all to know that the previous chapters- 17, 18, 19 and 20 were in flashback where Abhi was missing Pragya and thinking of her sitting on a bench at the park. That's Where Abhi was starting to realize that maybe Pragya was not as bad as he thought. He was worried about changes he was beginning to find in her but wouldn't dare to talk about it with anyone afraid that the fact that he has been observing her gets revealed. He was sure to receive taunts of his dear ones when he asks them about his wife.

So, going on further, present day..)


Abhi's thoughts: (present day, at park):

Abhi never imagined that..
That night, when they put their differences apart and spoke properly like mature adults..

That night, when he finally felt that he could trust her and asked her to sleep in their bedroom instead of the cold, dull and lonely balcony..

That night, when he almost felt the depth of emotions and strength that Pragya held deep within her together, preventing her from falling apart unlike anyone else in her situation, born and brought up in that way

That night, when he saw a glimpse of true Pragya..

Would be the last night he would see her for a long time..


(past: That night) Flashback:

Abhi waited for her to enter their room but was fast asleep. He never knew if she was in there or not. The next morning, he waited to be woken up by her regular morning prayer chants but instead was woken by a rooster alarm clock at his bed side table.
He waited to be greeted by the clinking sounds of her bangles bringing his ever fav morning coffee but was greeted by Robin with the same coffee he used to drink prior her entry in his life but it tasted different.. it lacked her essence..
Groaning frustratedly, he called out for her but received no response.. sighing, he left for his regular morning chores. While he was wide awake but still in a grumpy mood, deprived of his fav coffee, he saw that his things were kept ready for the day which he didn't observe as soon as he opened his eyes for the day. Each item had a note attached to it with few set of instructions written in a neat handwriting which he assumed to be of his Chashmish as no one he knew could boss around ordering him to do things like her..

few of them read:

1. Always put your watch on this table, else, you'll find trouble finding it.

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