Chapter-17 The new changes

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Hi guys..
Thank you all so much for the love and support you never fail to give.
I can't promise anything but regular updates only after February..
Yer, I tried so hard to finish and update this chapter. Hope you'll enjoy it..
"ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴇɪᴛʜᴇʀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏʀ ʙᴀᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ ᴍᴀᴋᴇs ɪᴛ sᴏ."

Chapter 17:

Things were changing rapidly in Pragya's life with re-entry of Purab. From her attitude, her dressing style to even her clothes in wardrobe. These changes were noticed by Abhi- The Rockstar too.. The lady whose eyes showed a blink of hurt while spoken rude to was long gone. All she did now is "Ignore".. her eyes didn't hold any emotion even when he tried to search for some. He noticed that this indifferent attitude was dedicated only for him.. She showed as if she didn't care even if he taunted her, called her names like chashmish or even spent more time with his so called girlfriend, Tanu. All she did was "IGNORE"

Her wardrobe, which was once filled with salwar and saree is now being filled with sweat shirts and track pants, though he has rarely seen her in those dresses.

He noticed that she generally avoided wearing scarfs but couldn't comprehend why there were so many scarfs in her wardrobe

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He noticed that she generally avoided wearing scarfs but couldn't comprehend why there were so many scarfs in her wardrobe. He also found many wrist bands, socks and sports shoes. It is not that he was checking her wardrobe or something. He was searching for something while he noticed the changes in her wardrobe.
She was coming late from her work almost everyday. She always wore her wrist band. They were simple, yet looked elegant for her hand.

The attitude which she showed towards him made him feel like he was living with some stranger under the same roof

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The attitude which she showed towards him made him feel like he was living with some stranger under the same roof. Both of them could rarely see each other in the same room.

Among all these changes, if one thing didn't change is that Pragya never failed in her duty of being his wife. Not a single day did she back out from her responsibility either as a dil of his house or as a grand daughter or as a sister or as a chachi and most importantly, being his wife. She kept everything thing ready for him even before he woke up. Though Almost every day, she left for work before he woke up and came home after he came. It seemed as if either he was the only one to notice or everyone were okay with the change.

All these, kinda disturbed his mind. He couldn't pinpoint at what exactly is disturbing him. But one thing was for sure, he couldn't get Pragya out of his mind. She always kept coming back to his thoughts. Previously, he enjoyed spending time with Tanu, but what he didn't know was that he actually enjoyed Pragya's attention on him whenever he was with her. He liked seeing her go all red with jealousy and look exactly like he named her, "Fuggy". But just since as she didn't even care even if he was with Tanu, he lost her attention, and then he didn't even liked to look at her (Tanu's) face, leave about spending time with her (Tanu). Even unknown to him, he began craving for her attention. He didn't realize what he wants or what his feelings were. He felt like a complete mess. He couldn't even speak to Purab as their equation currently is not so good. So he just grabbed his shades and cap, put on his fake mustache and beard to avoid attention and went out for stroll in a park nearby. He simply sat on a bench and his thoughts again drifted back to Pragya and the argument they had the other day..


One fine day after breakup of Pur-Bul, around evening at some cafe:

Pragya could observe the sadness and hopelessness behind every smile of her dear sister. She had a clue about it yet she wanted to be sure. So she decided to have a talk with the two to confirm her doubt and called them to the cafe. There, she felt sad for the first time for being correct. She couldn't stop feeling guilty. She was the first one to know about the two being in love with each other, she promised them that she would stand by them and their love, come what might. But now, again she was one who was forced to suggest for their breakup. She never this felt helpless ever in her life, even when her had marriage stopped twice or when she realized that she can get nothing but hate and rejection from this marriage. She wanted to scream.. She badly wanted to cry hard out aloud.. She craved for some comfort, she wanted someone to hug her and tell her it was okay.. Sadly, she has no one to share her agony with. She tried so hard to control her emotions. She held her hand in fist so hard that it turned pale and nails were digging into her delicate skin. She was biting her lips to control her sob. That's when she felt a palm on her hand. She raised her head to see it was Purab. Purab held her hand so delicately like it would break any moment..

Purab: Di, I'm very sorry. I know it's all because of me. I am really mad to fall in love with Bulbul while I knew I don't belong to her, willingly or unwillingly, for the sake of that friend who was always with me in times of thick and thin, my life is dedicated to him. He wants me for his sister. I want his happiness. Ultimately, I'll have to marry her. I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry.. I didn't know that ultimately, I'm breaking 4 hearts(if you are confused, 4hearts are of Pur+Bul+Prag+Alia). Please Di.. Please forgive me.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry Di..

Listening Purab speak broke the dam that controls her emotions. She began sobbing uncontrollably. Even Purab could not control himself. Tears flew from both their eyes so furiously. They held each other for support. Pragya knew what it would be like in living in a loveless marriage. She didn't want anyone else to experience it.. Even Alia who hates her very much.. Unfortunately, She is now seeing more three lives being destroyed just in front of her eyes but yet, she's helpless. She just was not able to do anything. She felt broken, beyond repair.. There was nothing she could do now except waiting for some miracle to happen.

Unlucky for them, Abhi was present there. He couldn't listen to what they were speaking about but all He saw was His best friend who held His wife's hand who was according to Him, his ex. He just hated this.. He felt from there, burning with rage slamming the cash at bill counter, not bothering to collect the change. He missed to watch even Bulbul present there walking towards their table present just behind him while he was exiting the place.


This brings us to the end of chapter 17.. The new Changes.. Actually, the story takes a major turn from here. It's said right, "Dar ko itna bhi mat daravo ki dar hi dar jaaye" (It means, Pragya is DONE.. Done of being a punching bag.. Done of holding emotions within herself.. Done for hoping for things to change for better.. So, When there's nothing you can do about it, there's nothing to worry about it". All these led to a new transformation.. A better version of Pragya is struggling to erupt from within herself..

To know if she can be successful, Just carry-on reading further..

Do let me know what new changes are you expecting from Pragya, Bulbul, Purab or Abhi..

I know i didn't start writing scenes about Alia or Tanu. Just drop your views of what you want to see further..

Hope you enjoyed

Precap: Pragya is going to made Abhi go all red.. How?? Keep guessing..

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