Chapter-35 Love

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A few moments later, even they didn't understand why were they crying but being in each other's arms gave the both an unexplainable comfort which nothing else in this world can give them.

"Why are you crying Fuggy?"

"Why are YOU crying?"

"Huh! Why am I crying? I'm crying? What? I'm.. mm" he didn't realize how bad he was crying until he touched his cheeks. "I'm not crying!"

Laughing at his silly attempt, "then what are these, rain drops?!" she asked wiping his tears.

Seeing her laugh, even a content smile played on his lips. And seeing his smile, she could finally believe that everything will be okay. She could feel that he was by her side all these days, yet she blamed him to see what would be his reaction.

She is not an epitome of good and she wanted him to taste his own medicine. She wanted him to know what it would be like when someone blames you for things you haven't done. And see what the results are like, he let his feelings out. He didn't sit quiet bearing them. But why did he say it, it is because he realized how bad the consequences would be because of minor misunderstandings and he didn't want her to feel bad regretting, just like him. So, he confessed, especially for her. And now, he deserves her truth.

Gently pushing him away and wiping her tears, she softly spoke looking down, not being able to speak looking in his eyes,

Gently pushing him away and wiping her tears, she softly spoke looking down, not being able to speak looking in his eyes,

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"You know, all these days, I acted like it wasn't a big deal. But to say the truth, it was breaking my heart. How I stood strong all these days, even I don't know, I just knew that no one must get hurt because of me and maybe, that's why I bore all the pain. Maybe I realized what I getting myself into that way and maybe I knew that whatever I'm facing is because of my own deeds. Choosing to stay silent was my choice and so, there's no right for me to blame someone. Not even you. Ican't blame you and youarenotatfault,well,atleastnot directly,butstill.AreyougettingwhatIwanttosay.."

"Ghosh! WhatamIspeaking" saying so, her breathing became erratic and she started hyperventilating. Abhi was in a state of shock and didn't know what to do.

"Fuggy, hey fuggy.. Calm down, deep breaths.. take them with me. Here Fuggy, inhale, common, breath in.. good, breath out.. inhale.. exhale.. good, feeling better?" She nodded her head feeling a bit better. "Now, just ..calm down. I'm right here with you. Don't worry. We will figure this out." He tried to calm her down and breathed along with her.

"And if it is about what I said earlier, you need not worry about that. I'm not forcing anything on you. Take your time to decide what you want. I'll wait. Don't stress yourself."

"No, I need to speak. And that too now. Things that have been bottled up inside, I need to let them out. Please allow me." Gasping for air, she held his hands tightly in hers. Her grip was so tight and painful, yet, he didn't complain. He allowed her to hold him tight. And when she felt better, she continued,

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