Chapter-29 More secrets revealed.. New beginning

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⚠ This is the longest chapter till now. Take your time and read till end. I hope you'll love it.


With all the commotion going on downstairs, no one in particular noticed the slight movement in Pragya's fingers. The same day, she was visited by Dr. Arjun to check on her status. It was second time in that day that she should some kind of movement. This time, Dr. Arjun was quick enough to notice a small flicker of her hand muscles. Immediate neurological examination was required to assess the condition of Pragya. So, she was admitted back in the hospital for further assessment. All this time, tension was clearly visible on the faces for Abhi and other members of family. After reading the reports, Dr. Arjun made it clear to everyone in the family that even as might be able to hear and feel the things around her either Pragya could make it or leave it. It is clearly up to her now and her condition is very fragile and critical. Saying so, he left the family to absorb the new information about her health. But Abhi felt something different.. He felt as if the Doctor wanted to say something more but stopped himself. He couldn't point it out correctly, but he felt the doctor glare at him. He might be imagining things, but still, he wanted to be sure. Thinking so, he went to meet doctor in his cabin.

Abhi: I'm sorry Dr. Arjun, please correct me if I am wrong but is there anything else you wanted to say but did not.

But Dr. Arjun didn't respond immediately. Maybe, he's imagining things or he missed Pragya that day, terribly, but the coldness he felt from Arjun was similar to the one he felt when Pragya began showing her indifference and ignoring him as if it didn't matter anymore. Dr. Arjun took his time to calm his nerves and then spoke to Abhi in a very calm voice, but his posture was anything but calm, it was like he was raging with fury and wanted to thrash him.

Dr. Arjun: I might have slightly heard the commotion in your house while I entered. I know it's a personal matter but might I have the freedom to say that you mistreated your wife.

Abhi simply bowed his head and nodded guiltily.

Dr. Arjun: But still, you did have the brave front to feel relieved! (his voice slightly trembling and raising at the end)

How dare you Mr. Abhishek Prem Mehra ill treat someone as wonderful as Pragya! How could you even think so low of her! I'm sure you might not have given her chance to speak up to her and might have bullied her to such an extent for her to admit things she has not done or has no take in. Do you even have the slightest idea to what extent did you damage her soul! She is not the person I know. When I met her after a long time, I felt as if I was meeting a completely new person but with the face of the one I knew, maybe. You called her names didn't you, called her a gold digger too maybe. Who the hell did give you the right to speak about the things you don't know. I know that you are guilty, but still did you even realize that YOU are responsible for this state of hers'!

(Taking few deep breaths in) 'I'm sorry Mr. Mehra for my unprofessional behavior, thanks to you. But it would be best for the both of us if you leave my cabin right now. I'm a doctor and I know my obligations well. About the condition of my patient Pragya, I've told you everything about it. Now, LEAVE"

(taking back his seat, "I learnt so much about psychiatry and I don't know how Prags put up with all this stuff" he murmured)

To say that Abhi was shocked by the turn of events, would be an understatement. He didn't know that the doctor who treated his wife, knew Pragya. Someone, who he didn't know, or someone whom he never gave the chance to meet. If there was anything that he learnt from the events of that day, it was that the truth hidden long was equal to poison and didn't have enough strength to consume it any other day. If things are meant to be done this way, he wanted all the secrets out just that day. So, walking towards the door of his cabin, he closed the door and turned towards Dr. Arjun with his arms folded giving him an impression that he was not going out without answers.

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