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Hi people, just like promised, I'm here with new chapter, hope you enjoy


Aliya had to speak out about what happened that night, it's only then that she can come out of her shell, and Pragya's condition being critical didn't help much. She was drowning in her guilt and couldn't even look At her family members and most importantly, her dear brother.

It took time, but finally, Dr. Arjun succeeded in breaking her shell.
2 days later, she finally opened up and profusely apologized to her brother as she was guilty about the condition of her sister in law.

Abhi forgave her which was the most important thing for her, though a bit satisfied, she was not completely out of her guilt due to Pragya's condition.

Pragya's side:

Pragya lost a lot of blood on her way to hospital. Massive internal bleeding occurred and she went in state of hemorrhagic shock. There was a serious risk of peritonitis due to perforation of her intestines due to the deep stab.
Further, there was no improvement in her condition even after adequate treatment. It was like she lost the hope of her reason to stay alive.
When doctor's said that they have lost hope in her improvement as she entered the state of coma, none were able to believe, But everyone broke down. The only one oblivious of her condition was Aliya as they knew that she couldn't bear to hear that news.

But there was also a hope for her recovery. So, she was discharged from hospital and was taken care of at home. By home, it was Mehra mansion.

Abhi arranged for special hospital setup care in his room for Pragya. The last look of satisfaction on her face he saw just before she fainted in his arms scared him to death,. Though he showed that he was strong from outside, only he knew of the sleepless nights he spent by her side doing nothing but holding her hands, apologizing and crying till he slept. Atleast Purab and Bulbul had an idea of what was off with Pragyas life but as of now, None knew of his plight.

Though he supported everyone that Pragya would surely recover, he couldn't say the same to himself as he knew that she felt that she completed her reason to stay alive and she had no hope any longer. He knew that she suffered a lot andd he regretted every second of making her go to those troubles. He couldn't forgive himself. Slowly, even he lost the hope of staying alive. It was like he was breathing only to bear the punishment for making pragya go through all the troubles and waiting for the day she would open her eyes and either forgive him or punish him. He was now no longer able to bear with her silence.

All the family members worked collectively to help Pragya give a hope, a reason to survive. Sure, after aliya said all the events of that drastic night, everyone found it difficult to forgive Aliya and had developed a new different perspective and respect towards Pragya and everyone tried their best to help Pragya. Had it not been for Pragya, Aliya wouldn't be before them, alive.

Dadi, Tayaji, Sarala ma and Beeji visited many temples praying for her quick recovery. Mithali Bhabhi took care of cooking and grooming Pragya though she never had any interest in cooking, she took up that job to support her family. Akash and Raj bhaiyya took care of business. Bulbul had a tough time coping up with Aliya but ultimately realized that even her sister would have wanted her to forgive Aliya. So, it took few weeks but finally, bulbul and Aliya also began sharing a lovely bond. They became good friends. Even Racchu (Rachana) joined this small friend circle. Everyday, they would come to Pragya and were chat with her, telling her about their day, their life, their new friendship, their small fights and complains just as if she could hear a them. They never let Pragya feel like a left out or burden to the family in their present state. They never shed tears before her but after they left her room, they couldn't help themselves from bursting into tears but hid this fact well from each other. On the other hand, Abhi, well what to say about him, he couldn't even leave her side for a second.

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