Chapter-33 FairyGodmother

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Keeping in view the number of reads, votes and comments, I've decided to unpublish the chapter Udjare. As I haven't received any response regarding which one you liked better, I'm taking your votes into consideration. It will be unpunished tomorrow, so, if you would like to share this story to any of your friends, then do it today.

The storyline shall be ending soon. And I have nothing else to say..

Hope you enjoy reading :)


Everyone felt that things are falling back into its place but 3 people were completely unsure whether everything would finally be alright or not, they just hoped that it would and prayed for it in every prayer. The three were Abhi, Pragya and Dasi.

Abhi wanted to speak to Pragya but was still afraid of her reaction. He wasn't ready to face her rejection. He didn't know how he managed and confessed his love for her. That tear drop he saw which slid down her cheek while she was still asleep, made him feel a million things at the same time. But when he got to know that she didn't remember a thing which happened then, broke both his heart and his courage. He tried doing everything in his power to make her feel happy and comfortable but didn't dare to speak and confess about his feelings for her for the second time.

He must have known that she did feel something for him too. Else why would she cry at his pain? He wasn't sure about her anymore.

But seeing her happy made him smile. Seeing her in pain broke his heart. Those sleepless nights she had, those tears she shed, he will answer them all. He ensured her happiness and comfort before anything else in their house.

Abhi knew how strong minded person Pragya was. He knew that she faced many hardships in her life and wouldn't accept any help offered in form of pity or charity. He knew that she don't like blaming people for the situations. He knew that she don't like people around her sad or in tears. She spreads happiness everywhere around her and doesn't appreciate gloomy atmosphere. He knew that she hated depending on anyone for her works, she'd like to do it all by herself no matter what it takes.

And that's why everything's changed after she was up. He warned everyone in the house not to shed tears or get much emotional around her. He encouraged everyone in his house to be more happy and cheerful that Pragya now is alright and among them. He pleaded them not to talk about the past and make Pragya sad and guilty for troubling them.

He made them realize that Pragya is a strong willed person and would take care of herself well and good and he would ensure it. He asked them to trust her enough to come around. She'd get better and shall start running all over the house in no time.

He knew that Pragya likes people being more responsible. And it is one of the reasons that Aliya decided to join the training of Martial Arts. Luckily for him, it was Aliya's decision to get trained and he hadn't forced her into anything. Aliya too did want to change herself for good and become more responsible and Abhi whole heartedly encouraged this change.

And so, there was no much emotional drama in the house after she returned. There was no sad, dull, pity or sympathy looks in anyone's eyes. There was no one around her trying to over help her and thereby, letting her do anything she wills all by herself but just standing by her side, in case she might need help. Only Abhi knew all the troubles he had to face to convince his family members to control their emotions around her at least till she gets better. Easy said than done. No one knew how much he got attached to her and no one knew how hard Abhi had to control himself when he was around her when all he wanted to do was to hug her tight and never let any troubles cross her path. He wanted to share his pain with hers and let her know how guilty he was for his actions. He wanted to scream out loud that he loves her. But good for him that he knew her better. 

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