Chapter-34 Trust

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It was another normal evening in Mehra mansion with constant bickering of the trio over their favorite evening snack Chai-Samosa. But Pragya was still thinking over what Dasi and Arjun said to her earlier. Her mind was getting clumsy and she needed fresh air to sort her thoughts. At the same time, Abhi entered house, exhausted with his work and slumped onto sofa.

Wondering how difficult the day might have been for him, Pragya timidly said, 'I want to have some fresh air. Dasi, please allow me to go out for a walk. I promise I'd be safe.' Abhi knew that no one in this house will allow her to go out alone at this time ever again, at least not until she is fit and fine.

It's not that they don't trust her; it's just that they are worried for her. He didn't want any arguments in the house and also didn't want to refuse her wish of going out. So even before anyone can say anything, he looked at her and said, 'Give me ten minutes, I'll freshen up and come. Let's go together.' She didn't want to trouble him for her and so, just as she was about to object, his strong gaze declared that he didn't want to hear any arguments over this, at least not this time and agreed silently.

Pragya didn't specify where she wanted to go nor did Abhi ask her. He drove towards the park by her house which held all her childhood memories, the same park which witnessed Akash and Rachana's reunion, the same park she loves going to, no matter what the situations in her life are. Pragya was surprised when she noticed where they were and with a simple smile, Abhi gestured her to get down. They walked together towards the park with a comfortable silence hung between them lost in their own thoughts.

As soon as they entered the park, Pragya removed her slippers and walked on the grass, bare footed with child like shine in her eyes and a peaceful smile on her face.

"Hey Fuggy, What are you doing?" He asked as he saw her walk barefooted.

"You too try it. You'd enjoy for sure"

"You've gone crazy" He chuckles at her craziness and wondered how on the earth did he get so lucky to deserve a wife like her. He removed his shoes and did really enjoy walking on the grass that way.

Hand in hand they walked slowly around the park silently enjoying the cool evening breeze. She sat on the swing and watched Abhi walk behind her to swing her. The only sounds that can be heard were of the children chuckling and playing at the other corner of the park and the creaking of the swing she sat on. Breaking the silence around them, she asked,

"Is everything alright?"

Surprised at her sudden question, he asked "Yeah, but why? What happened?"

"You aren't like the one you used to be. You've changed."

"What! What do you mean?"

"Yeah. You aren't like you used to be. You aren't demanding for your favorite coffee every morning, you aren't being stubborn like kids for your things, you aren't arguing over petty issues, you are letting me sleep and that too on your I-wont-allow-anyone-share-this bed, you are being nice with me even if no one is around, you are taking care of my needs, not that I can't do it myself, yet and till date, you haven't screamed at me, you've complied to all my wishes, you've seen me cry, yet you didn't make fun of me, and haven't insulted me and now you ask, why, what happened, everything seems alright?!"

Abhi didn't know how to react after hearing her blabber, should he feel bad that he did those things troubling her in the past or should he glad that she noticed him and his behaviour. Yet he couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud at her cute face.

"You are laughing! I'm trying to say something and you dare to laugh at this moment?!"

She asked seeming like an offended kid, folding her arms and flaring her nose, she turns to the other side.

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