Chapter-32 Convalescence

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Hi all,

Thank you so much for your response.

I got carried away with a sea of emotions while I drafted the previous chapter. I started working on the next one immediately. But I was astound by the response I got for it. I'm really very happy that you all liked reading it. Keeping in view your responses, I had to edit and re edit the whole continuation of the plot. You guys have set the bar so high for this chapter. And now, I'm not sure how good it is.

Spilling the beans out, Yep, Pragya is finally out of her deep long sleep and this chapter is in her pov.

Enjoy reading. I hope you'd like it as much as you did for the previous chapter.


My life was never an easy journey. I faced many hardships on my way. I was a kid when I got to know that my father abandoned us just after Bulbul was born because we were not daughters for him, we were a burden he didn't want to carry. Mother stood strong enough for both of us and we stand now in this position. I had to give up on many of my interests since I was a kid to support my family. I also had to compromise on my studies so that Bulbul can also get a chance to study. No matter how many hardships life threw at me, I grew stronger than before. Every time I look myself at mirror, I'd say it to myself that I am stronger than yesterday. And as I said, I believed, as I believed, I became. I didn't expect much from life either but hoped for the days to become better. I lived in my own small happy world and never expected for much more. No matter how hard it is, I always stood for what I believed was correct.

Everything in my life went well until I met "Rockstar Abhi". The days of my life grew harder and harder. I had to face a lot of troubles even after my marriage which I couldn't speak about to anyone. Misunderstandings and trust issues were always there between us.

Marriage changes the life of every girl, they say. After all the troubles I faced in my life, I believed that my happy times have finally come to me but I guess I spoke too soon. It wouldn't be wrong for me to say that my troubles doubled ever since my marriage. I had to live a two faced life.

I never ever wanted to give up on the principles of my life which I firmly believed in. I did no wrong and I wasn't going to bear consequences for someone else's fault. I wanted to make it clear that I am not at fault. And then, I realized that in doing so, the one to bear the wrath would be my sister, whom I can give up my life for. So I decided that no matter what, I won't let any trouble bother my sister. That's the first time I broke my principles of my life, for my sister. Things began getting worse after that.

I felt so disappointed, sad, hurt, misunderstood, depressed and what not. Suddenly I felt as if the whole positivity in my life was sucked out. What's the point of explaining my righteousness when I know people will anyway blame me? Can't they see their own mistakes or they purposely choose to do so? But I won't let the peace of my family suffer for one person. I decided that I wouldn't mind struggling for their well being even though I know that they are waiting in the wings to curse me, coz this is what I chose to be.

With this sticking in my mind, I felt as if everything will eventually fall back to its place. Once I had peace within myself, I found peace everywhere.

Married life is not easy. The one person I had, to trust, rely on, gave me no reason to cling on to him. And Arjun, I never expected that I would meet him in such circumstances but I owe my life to him. He pulled me out of my depressed life and showed me ray of hope. So, I lived up to his expectations. I learnt to be strong and independent physically, mentally and emotionally. Each day, I became a better version of myself.

But when you are with the same person for months together, you'll learn many things about him. Abhishek might be mean and ignorant towards me, but he is the brother any sister would want, a son anyone could ask for, a friend who can put himself before troubles for you. Abhishek might be super famous and rich but I know, he is still a child inside. He might say that money is everything but I know he values relationships more than it. When I felt like giving up, he opened the door and welcomed me in. He might ignore me but I know he'd miss me.

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