Chapter 22- A(i)l(iy)a

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Hello all, I'm back after a really long time and still not able to provide you with regular updates.
Thank you for still reading this and not having this removed out of your library and reading list.

Warning : Unedited version, So, I dear friends, feel free to point out the mistakes when found.

Happy reading...

Bidding bye to each other, the group of friends slowly began leaving the pub.

Aliya's POV:

Arrgh!! Where's my Caarr? Wait,what color was it actually.. something like red, blue, yellow, (she was checking the color of cars as she was passing through them) Agh! (Exclaims happily) WHITE!! Yippee!! Finally, found it. Now, why isn't the door opening? C'mon open up! Open up you stupid car!! (she punches the car door) Aww!! Okay.. I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have hurt you. Wait a sec, Am I actually talking to a car! Why? Oh! To open it right.. okay.. KHUL JAA SIMSIM.. huh! Not working? Okay then, ALLOHOMORA!! What!! Not even now.. this is not done! Open up you jerk!! (she kicks the door) Ouch Ouch Ouch!! (she yells holding her feet jumping on one leg making her purse along with the car keys drop onto the ground and she falls over it) KLINCK KINCK Oh! What was that! Agh!! KEYS.. correct! It opens with key! aghh!! finally!! 

(Still flumbing with the keys, finally she made it to the driver seat)

Now how does this work.. Think Aliya think.. This must fit in something right. This is long so this goes into something like hole. Where is this hole or what they call it.. Sock.. Sock.. Socket.. Damn! What ever.. Phew! Got it..

(placing the key in its place, she started the engine but then, the car gave up coz it ran out of fuel.. Frustrated, she got off the car)

Damn you metal monster!! Now I'll have to walk all the way home. Alright.. Calm down.. Think Aliya.. Think.. You've got a sharp brain use it.. Arrr.. Not good.. Why the hell is the floor moving too much. Shut the hell up and let me walk straight.. Urghh.. Okay.. What's the way home. Got it.. 10m straight ahead down the highway and from there.. Where to? Okay.. Let me think after I get there..

Oomph!! Ufff!! Okay... I'm done.. Still how far!! I can't.. I can't!! Shit! Wait a sec... Is that a bike I'm looking at. Blast this blurry eyes! I shouldn't have drunk this much. Ouch! Okay, now I can see.. Yep! Congratulations.. that's a  bike. May be I can get a lift there. Okay.. Catch a breath Aliya.. It's not that far..

"Hey! Hey Mister! ( Okay, that sounded rude.. ) Hello Sir.. "

" ph^eew ph^eew"

Did he whistle at me.. Oh.. He actually did.. Now that's what I call rude.. Not goood.. Maybe I shouldn't have been here at the first place..

"Helloooo madam ji. How would you like me to help you.. "

How dare he eye me this way! Isse tho mai!! What the hell! Look at his eyes! Ewwww... Any way I'm going out of here without fight.. Nope! Not at all.. Doesn't seem so.. Okay Aliya.. Maintain safe distance.. Run at any chance you get.. You are alone and you are drunk. One, maybe you can take down but two, no.. three.. Oh my God! Look at theese men, hovering like bees over honey! They are seriously 5. It's fix Aliya! You stand no chance.. Get out!

"Umm.. Sorry ji.. I thought I've mistook you to someone I thought I knew.. I'm sorry.. I'll just get going "

Man1 : "Arrey!! Madamji.. Wait.. So what if you don't know us.. Come along, let's get to know each other.. Why are you going away from us.. Come come.. "

Man2: "Arey bhai! Khammakha kyu madamji ko pareshaan kar rahe ho.. Aadhi raat, sunsaan sadak, aklei thalli ladki surakshit ghar pahun jayegi.. Vo bhi hum sab se bach ke"

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