Chapter 13- Purab-Bulbul

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After the last meet with his di, Purab understood that truth can't be hidden for long. It erupts out in some form or the other but when it does come out all by itself, it erupts like a volcano.. It's too difficult to handle. It burns everything that comes to its path into ashes. It doesn't care about hurting others nor does it care about burning itself. So, it must be now. He couldn't wait for the right time to knock his door. He had to break the news of his unwilling engagement to his love before she hears it from someone else. He knew it but it takes so much of courage to break the heart of your loved ones.But it was not his mistake that he fell in love with Bulbul head over heel. The love he received from Bulbul was something different.. something special.. something serene and unexplainable that at any moment of his life, all he wants is to see a smile on her face and her single tear drop can make his heart bleed. Her love even made him forget the fact that he was already engaged to his best friend's sister. But look at his fate, he had to break the heart of his love.. He had to be the reason for her tears. He had to convince her that they can no longer stay together and this is the only option he has before him to keep her safe, safe from all the evil plottings of TaAliya. He could never imagine Bulbul in place of Pragya, suffering between truth and lies, real and fake. He could not protect his di from them but he has to protect Bulbul. He could not stop blaming himself from the moment he learnt the truth of Pragya's marriage. The only reason he regretted loving Bulbul is that her sister had to pay the price for their love. But not any longer, he felt it and decided to break this news to Bulbul. The sooner.. The better..


Unaware of all the dramatic events, Bulbul was happy with her peaceful life between her house, office and college.
After her dear sister left their house, she put all her efforts to fill the empty space she left behind. She began becoming responsible and caring like her sister and at the same time, being naughty and playing pranks with her dadi. She tried her best to play both the roles of Pragya and Bulbul, a combination of thread and needle.

(A thread tries to bind things, so is Pragya, she tries to bind the relations, how difficult ever might it be. Needle supports thread and at the same time, it picks the one using it when mishandled. So is Bulbul, she supports her sister and at the same time, she knows to give a solid payback to those who ever try to harm her or her family. I hope that I made the comparison clear)

With a month, she became most popular girl in her university because of the efforts she put in each and every assignment assigned to her. She studied hard, but she is not a nerd, she never failed to light up a smile on the faces of people around her with her bubbly talks and naughty pranks, may be that's what makes her more special.


Taking his time to gain strength to break the news to Bulbul, hoping that she trusts him that it wasn't his fault that he is head over heels in love with her.. so much that he even forgot about the rest of the world, praying hard that she must not break down, wishing if he could undo his engagement with Aaliya, wondering that if he could ever forget Bulbul and give her portion of love to someone else but this thought immediately put break to rest of the chain of his thoughts as he know the answer to this question, it's obviously NO!! He can never stop loving Bulbul and imagining someone else as his wife is the worst thing that he could ever think of. But yet, he have to do it. It's the only better option they had. In case TaAliya gets to know that Bulbul is Purab's love, they wouldn't even ponder a second to harm her and separate her from him and at the same time, Pragya has to answer Abhi and facing Abhi's anger is the last thing anyone would wish to face in the world.

Now that he made up his mind, he left to meet his love, breaking the news which no lover would like to hear, but he was helpless. Now that he decided, there is no turning back.


Bulbul was surprised to find Purab waiting for her outside her college premises. On his insistence, they moved to a remote area where no one would interrupt them. She could guess that the matter is too serious, else Purab is not one of those kinds who would hesitate to talk. She had always seen confidence in his eyes, but today, his eyes were speaking something else, she could see that something is deeply bothering him that made him so vulnerable. She didn't push the matter further and obliged him.

Shock was an understatement to Bulbul once she heard of what Purab wanted to tell her. He was literally begging her to leave out from his life. He simply called off their relation saying that this wouldn't work out between them. She just couldn't believe it. Everything was going on very smooth between then and she couldn't understand what made him speak so. Anger began overpowering all her senses. All she wanted to do was to slap him hard across his face for speaking utter nonsense.

But she is not the same Bulbul she used to be before her sister's wedding. She realized how mature her sister is, how coolly she handles all her tantrums. She tried to change herself to become a better version of herself, she tried stepping into the shoes of her sister and surprising, she always found best solutions in worst situations too. She did the same thing even now. Reminding herself about her sister immediately calmed her anger and what she could see was guilt and a drop of tear threatening to fall off while Purab was struggling hard to contain it.

It was then that she realized that something else is forcing him to speak this way and she knew that he is too stubborn to open up immediately. She would have to force the truth out of him and this wouldn't happen without drama. By all this time she spent with him, she knows him in and out. So, she plainly accepted his decision and began walking away from him emotionlessly but not before warning him that she knows her ways to pull the truth of his sudden, unexplained breakup and it would be better for him to tell the whole truth before she gets to know it from someone else. Purab on the other hand expected her to slap him or shout at him, he prepared himself for her wrath but her ignorance was something he never expected, something that he can never bear. He knew that it must be only him who has to break the truth out to her. He wanted to hug her, cry in her arms and scream his agony out, but seeing the retreating figure, he couldn't control himself, the ample effort he put to control his emotions came to end. He fell on his knees feeling so helpless and began bursting all his emotions in form of tears.


Bulbul, on the other hand was standing at a safer distance, out of vision from Purab waiting to see his reaction once she moves out of his site. She definitely knew that something was seriously wrong but his tears.. this was something she never expected to see. Seeing him so vulnerable and so broken melted her heart. She expected him to hold her and spit out the truth seeing her move away from him but now, she knew that the matter is so delicate and must be handled tenderly. So, she moved closer to Purab and without any words, she took him into her embrace. Purab just obeyed the order from her hands and began finding the love of mother in her embrace. He just began crying like a baby, holding her tight feeling that she might disappear if he loosens his grip over her while bulbul just allowed him to cry out to his heart's content and ruffled his hair and rubbed his back in order to calm him down and soothen his pain. His tears stabbed her heart a thousand times and she promised herself that she heal all his wounds and take him out of all his worries. After which looked like hours, Purab's sobs began subsiding and Bulbul made him look at her though he's not able to meet her eyes.



Guys, I don't know whY but your response is decreasing. You are free to comment and give your suggestions but please don't shun off. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter..

"The Heart and core of everything here is good, that whatever may be the surface waves, deep down
and underlying everything, there is an infinite basis of Goodness and Love."

Good day guys,
Keep smiling :)

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