Chapter-30 Brave

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It's absolutely a shocking news for me complete 30 chapters for my plot. I'm really thankful for all of you for making me come till this point. Had it not been for your support and encouragement, I could not have come this far. Thank you so much :)

I know I took my time this for this chapter but I did say that I need more time and finally, I made it on time. Lol this is ridiculous ;) Anyway, enjoy reading this chapter and please make sure to read A/N in the end.


Just like planned, Abhi became the surprise guest for the fest and a very few from the organizing team knew about it. To say that the students were surprised would be a very small word. Many were elated and excited to see their favorite "Rockstar" performing for them, live, in their institute, and few criticized him for happily singing and performing concerts when his wife is sick and hospitalized. Well, they love their Pragya ma'am a way too much.

But little did they know that all this is a part of His struggle to help His wife get hope, to live, to give chance, to trust, to be loved. To make her realize that the whole new world is waiting out there, praying for her well-being, wishing for her quick recovery, Loving Her.

As the day of his concert was getting closer, he began getting more and more anxious. Luckily, though amidst all their differences, his family stood by his side supporting him. On that day, he was grandly welcomed by everyone in the institute and he patiently waited till it was time for his performance.

Everyone was waiting for him. His family by his side, his fans before him, his guitar in his hand, he has everything he needed before her entering his life, yet he missed her terribly. He couldn't even hold mike in his hand or strum his guitar chords. Even unknown to him, he froze. His eyes desperately searching for her presence though he knew, she's not there, instead lying on the hospital bed. But then, his desperate eyes met Arjun's confident ones. One look at Arjun, he knew what he had to do, he knew how to kick start his show and he knew how exactly Pragya would have like him perform. Arjun silently gave him strength, a reason to hold on when he broke down and now that he got answers for his unasked questions that Pragya was now hearing him perform live, he knew that he had to give it his best shot.

Taking a deep breath in, he formally thanked the crowd for their amazing gathering, before he starts his concert making the crowd go crazy. He sang, till he knew that they were euphoric, till they were cast in his spell and would listen to whatever he says, with their hearts, not ears. Softly taking a break, he spoke amidst the cheering of the crowd,

'I hope all of you are enjoying. Well, it's a good thing to enjoy. Enjoy every moment of your life, no matter what it throws at you, roses or thorns, flowers or stones, just, enjoy. I know; few of you are mad at me, for accepting to perform a show, at this moment, when my life is battling for life there. But I am doing exactly the same thing she would want me to do. Your Pragya ma'am is the strongest person I've ever met in my life. People say wrong when they say, she's lucky to be my wife, but I say it, in front of the whole world, very proudly that, I am lucky to be her husband' (students cheer loudly for their Pragya ma'am)

'I am not in position to even stand steadily. Even in this state, she is my strength, my inspiration, my motivation. There are many things I wanted her to say to her and things I said to her which I didn't mean, there are many things which I meant but never had the chance to say. But now that there's something which I want to say to her, things that I mean, so deep, she's not here to listen. (He sighed, leaving a long breath). I.. I miss her, terribly...' (Unconsciously, against his will, tears began streaming down his eyes, silently conveying the massive burden he was carrying. Everyone fell silent watching him, his pain, his love, his strength)

This is one of the many songs I want to dedicate it to her.

'You can be amazing
You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug
You can be the outcast
Or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love
Or you can start speaking up
Nothing's gonna hurt you the way that words do
And they settle 'neath your skin
Kept on the inside and no sunlight
Sometimes a shadow wins
But I wonder what would happen if you

Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I wanna see you be brave

Everybody's been there, everybody's been stared down
By the enemy
Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing
Bow down to the mighty
Don't run, stop holding your tongue
Maybe there's a way out of the cage where you live
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in
Show me how big your brave is

Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

Innocence, your history of silence
Won't do you any good
Did you think it would?
Let your words be anything but empty
Why don't you tell them the truth?

Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I wanna see you be brave

I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
See you be brave

I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you I just wanna see you brave'

As the last chord of his guitar strummed, everyone went ballistic, Hooting loudly for their favorite RockStar.

'Thank you guys! You are the amazing crowd. You know, the incident Pragya faced is not an uncommon one. Girls these days are facing so many troubles, but you need to be able enough to fight them. Life is not a bed of roses and you know that. So, be sure to make your voice be heard. You fight your own battles, not others. How one behaves, is not in your control, but how you react makes you who you are. So be brave and remember, It's not failure when you fall; it's a failure if you don't stand up again. I've learnt this the hard way and I don't want you to make the same mistake over and over. Fear is the greatest enemy and when you conquer your fears, you conquer the world. But then again, taking the right path is so difficult, but no matter what, when you go along that path, you will achieve your goals. It takes a lot of courage, but still, you need to be brave enough to walk till the end and never give up.

Pragya is strong enough. She fought over all her troubles. I don't expect every girl here to learn the art of self defense. Everyone here thinks that she fought because she knew fights, but no. She fought because she knew it was the right thing to do. She did what she believed was correct without bothering about consequences, and for that one needs to be brave. To stick to your principles is not easy, but at the end of the day, it is what that defines you.'


This brings us to the end of this chapter. Please be sure to drop your views in the comment section. 

It took some time for me to finish this chapter as I was working on an alternate version of the same chapter and thought to keep it Private but I got to know that such option was taken down. So, I shall update and post the alternate version by this weekend or by Monday and take it down in a week or two. I can assure you it will be worth reading. When you are free, just give it a try and share your views.

And my dear readers, after reading both the versions of this chapter and do share with me which one you like more. Just to be clear, the next update will be an alternate version of the same chapter. I assure you will not get disappointed.



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