Chapter-28 One moment

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"All it takes is one moment, for realizations to strike in.. for the life to change"


Few more months passed.. Well, time says to have solutions for all problems, but who could expect it would also open doors for new problems..

Abhi is a rockstar, a celebrity whose life is rarely is own private bubble. But even in this small bubble time he had, it had to burst. It was one such day when he couldn't get the thoughts of Pragya from his mind even for a second. Well maybe it was almost like his daily routine but that day, every word he heard reminded him of her. That day, his memory with Pragya resurfaced reality. That day as usual her hurt with his words but that day, her reaction was different. Whenever he used to taunt her, in the initial days, the look of hurt was visible on her face, a few days later, she tried to act indifferent, but that day was different coz that day was the first time ever, he saw fire spitting from her eyes and he felt as if it could burn him and toast him alive, coz that day, he crossed the line and hit her nerve with his words. 

He clearly remembers her say, "ENOUGH! JUST SHUT UP! And watch your slippery tongue while you speak MY family. Just because I'm tolerating your Sh!t doesn't mean I'm mute. It's just that I don't consider you worth it. Now if you are done trying to blackmail me or scare me that the truth of our marriage leaks to our family, then remember this and be sure to remember this very carefully. 'TRUTH CANNOT BE KEPT HIDDEN FOR LONG. SOMEDAY, IT WILL COME OUT. AND IT WILL BE LIKE FIRE. IT CANNOT BE HIDDEN UNDER LIES JUST LIKE THE SUN WHICH CAN'T BE HIDDEN FOR LONG BEHIND THE CLOUDS. AND YOU KNOW WHAT, WHEN THE TRUTH IS OUT, IT WILL SET YOU FREE, BUT FIRST, IT WILL PISS YOU OFF!!' And you know what, I'm not just talking about our marriage or should I say your meaningless revenge drama, but I'm also talking about my truth which you choose to IGNORE!!" saying so, she stormed out of the room leaving behind traces of her fire.

Little did he know that though he thought her to be mad at that time, but she is a magic in his life and there is no lie in her fire. After Pragya's incident, he began realizing the truths of her life which was kept hidden from him, or rather he chose to turn a blind eye over the facts, the guilt began eating him up from within and it was making it hard for him to even breathe. He always dreaded how he would face his dadi and his mother-in-law who became his mother figure in a short span of time when she began taking care of him and his family when he was so broken that he couldn't handle himself, if the truth comes out. Could he even look at them in their eyes??. Its true when they say, guilt is the worst punishment ever.

It happened so after the patch up between Purab, Bulbul and Aliya that they revealed the truth they knew about Pragya's life. When bulbul and Purab told her about the misunderstanding about Purab's lover and Pragya's innocence, Aliya did tell them about the troubles and insults she had to put up with in the Mehra Mansion. Fortunately or unfortunately, their conversation was overheard by Sarala (Pragya's mother). Which mother on earth would stay calm after knowing that her daughter had to face troubles and punishment for the things she is not even responsible for? Sure, no mother can handle such pain of her daughter. She did what she felt was right at that time. She stormed off to Mehra Mansion to confront her son-in-law and his dadi who came to their house to ask for her daughter's hand. She didn't go there by herself to ask for this relation. His dadi promised her that she would take care of Pragya as her own, but then why did she let her face all the troubles? Why did she let her daughter be insulted? She needed her answers and needed them right then! 

Then it happened, just like Pragya warned him the other day, that day, all the truths which were kept hidden till then under the façade of lies came front. Abhi couldn't handle it. It really gave him a tough time. Speaking the truth out took him a hell lot of effort. It made him feel like he burnt a thousand times when he spoke the words out, but then, he was relieved. He was relieved from the burden of pain he carried along. He was relieved by the slap he received that day, from a mother, from a mother-in-law, from a grandmother. He realized that speaking truth takes a lot of effort, but then, one never needs to carry a burden of lies throughout. How much ever difficult it might seem, single truth is better than thousand lies and truth is the basis of trust

At that moment, he realized the power of trust in pious bond of marriage. It is the trust of mother, upon her daughter that she could handle things around her on her own. It is the trust of a mother-in-law in her daughter-in-law, that she can maintain the bond of her family. It is the trust of daughter in her mother that she would stand by her side when things go terribly wrong. It is the trust of man, on a woman that she will take care of his family even when he is not around. And more importantly, it is the trust of a woman on a man she barely knows that he will stand by her, support her and hold her if she falls. She could trust him with all her secrets and fears and He could trust her with his tears.

Pragya knew she couldn't, but still, she trusted. She trusted herself enough to try and sort out their differences. She trusted his Dadi, that she'll help her set her new home now. She trusted her mother that she wouldn't give her in wrong hands. She is stupid, she even trusted him, that he'll at least talk to her or give her a chance. But now, Abhi realized what kind of a man he had been to mistreat such a wonderful person as her. He literally broke down that he failed the trust of a woman, a mother and his dadi all at the same time.

No one would believe if he says so, but he was happy at that moment. Happy that at least he received punishment from his mother whose eyes he couldn't even meet. Happy that he received it from the people his love loved. At that moment, he realized that he loves his wife. His Pragya. At that moment, he wanted nothing more but to look into her eyes. He wanted more of her bossing around their house taking care of their family. He wanted more of their little crazy banter. He wanted more of her. That one moment where the truth was out, he felt liberated. From that moment, He felt that his life shall change now, for he now has to work hard to earn the trust of people he cared for the most. From that moment, he has to trust himself to stay strong.. Trust his love to gain its strength.. Trust Pragya, to fight and wake up from her deep sleep.


Hi All..

To say I'm happy would be an understatement. I didn't expect that I'd be welcomed back happily even after disappearing suddenly without prior intimation for nearly around 6 months. Thank you so much for your wait. Now I take this as my responsibility to make more efforts to make this interesting.

Few might feel this is a small part, but I promise, the next one would be the lengthiest I've ever written till now.

Is anyone interested to try and give this plot a great cover page?? Please let me know.

Do express your views through votes and comments.

Thank you,

Keep smiling,


Anjali :)

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