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Hey all..
My sincere apologies to all of you for not being able to update the next chapter. Well, now that I've started working on it, you'll be able to read them very soon, I hope, *fingers crossed*

For our sake I'm giving a glimpse of what's gonna happen next, so that I can give you all the other end of the rope of hope I'm dangling down the cliff to make you hold on and not give up on this plot I worked hard to bring it to shape with your support.. Hold on my dear friends, it's not long the story is gonna end soon, just some more time.. Bear with me..

#Pragya is unconscious ~ she goes to coma
#Drastic changes in 3 more lives
#Entry of new character

I just hope you all to extend your hands to grasp the other end of rope saving me and this plot from falling off the cliff and don't forget to

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