Chapter 24- Pragya faints

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Never ever in my life did I imagine that I would feel this happy remincing the day I got stabbed. But I can't help it.. That day, really changed my whole perspective of life. True thing, when you almost go into the mouth of death and come back safe, nothing remains the same.
That day, or to be particular,  that night, I don't even want to think of the way I managed to get myself on my feet back home. Hate and pity, do both of them exist together, I didn't know, but as I think about it now, I know, for sure that at that moment, when the knife clattered on the floor leaving me like a Bloody mess(literally, not a metaphor here) for fraction of moments there, I felt like never in my life, I could hate anyone as much as I hated Aliya at that particular moment. It lasted just for a few seconds, but that feeling was present for sure. I guess it was because I felt like I got into this mess just only and only because of her. But the moment I saw Aliya, trying to shake herself off the effect of alcohol, desperate to find something for my help or try to support me, all those negative feelings vanished into thin air. Poor Aliya.. This girl needs help.. She must know how to live.. That's what I felt when I was almost dying. She didn't get nuture from her mother or sense of protection from her father, all she has for herself is just her brother who looked up-to her like his baby girl, taking care of every need even before she asks for. She got papered a bit more than necessary. She didn't even get to know about hardwork to enjoy its fruits and poor kid haven't even got friends on whom she can rely upon.
Holding myself together, clutching injury, Oh God! It was hell lot painful. I couldn't even move an inch, but I had to if not for myself, atleast for Aliya. She have to be back in safe hands, else my whole effort will go waste. I didn't want to die without knowing that the one I tried to save was alright. I did make a move forward. Aliya supported me or I held her, I didn't know. It was just like we were there, together, for each other. I'm really thankful that Aliya didn't faint, atleast not till the moment we reached home. Only thing that helped was that house was not too far or atleast I believed just to keep going. I just kept chanting the same like my whole life depended on it, well, actually, it did. Somehow, dragging ourselves, we reached home. But by then, I lost so much blood and I didn't even hope that I'd make it up and will come back alive. Black spots started forming before my eyes and I knew I couldn't hold it any longer. I had to gain attention, of someone, anyone, but how? My mind started clouding and I just grabbed something. It was something like a smooth stone on the table maybe some paperweight. With all the force i could muster, I threw it in One Direction, I didn't even realize which way. It was as if my hand exactly knew where to aim for to get the earliest help. It was only after few moments when I heard the door open after the clattering sounds of broken glass, I realized where I did hit. Abhishek..

Abhishek that day was Savior. Though my mind was cloudy, I could read his eyes very well. He was frustrated that someone disturbed his some very important task but then, he saw me. I'm sure he was shocked. I could read it very well in his eyes. With a speed, I never imagined that one could climb down those massive staris of Mehra mansion without breaking bones, one moment, I saw him up the corridor, next moment, I was in his arms. With utmost difficulty, I looked up and peaked into his eyes. They held fear, fear for me.. There was something else too, some strange emotion which I've never seen in his eyes, except when he was alone in his music room after successfully composing a new tune which was perfect for him. I couldn't hold any longer. I wanted to finish the task ahead of me. He needed to know Aliya is safe now. If this were my last moments of my life, I didn't want it to go waste. I wanted to hold him, close to my heart. I had to make myself clear. I was sacred but I would never admit, I fulfilled my every responsibly and he needed to know it. Steadying myself, holding his arms, my hand gained control of its own and raised up to his cheek, this felt so foreign but at the same time so correct.. I was a mess of emotions. My body was drained of blood and my mind, of clarity. I whispered his name, Abhishek for the first time ever I guess, I didn't even want to think of anything else, looking straight into his eyes, I called his name, with my hand still in his cheek, I didn't know why, I pointed in the direction where Aliya dropped dead, I'm sure she's fine now but still.. The last thing I remember before I fainted was his chocolate brown eyes which held a whirlpool of emotions which I couldn't decipher.

It is my petty little secret which I never admitted to myself too, but now that I was dying, I could care less. It's time, I admit to myself atleast that I begun to fall for this arrogant, self-centered rockstar. How, when, even I didn't know.. But somehow, seeing his love, care, affection, support and strength for his family, seeing him care to not hurt my maternal family, I hoped somewhere in corner of my heart, that atleast once, I wanted to see that love in his eyes, towards me.. I wanted to be a part of his family, his life.. Not that I literally wasn't, but I didn't want it to be like a part, on paper, but, in true sense.. I wanted him to accept me, just the way I was. I've been with him, watching him, known him for nearly an year now. I know that he isn't bad at heart but trusts his people very easily, it's the people who take this as their advantage. I know, he'll get hurt if he gets to know the complete truth. I know he'll regret and break down. He has his own set of flaws, he knows them, but he would never admit. That way, he was not so perfect, but Except for me, he's the perfect brother a sister could ever wish for, he's a perfect grandson for his grandmother, I'm sure he'd be a perfect son too. I never realized that I held feelings for him, this strong, until the day I realized that he was willing to try and give a chance for this relation. I know I'm strong and independent, but somehow, he succeeded in making me feel that maybe, just maybe, I could rely on him. Damn him! But I received my lesson long back, I'm not going to be his personal punching bag. I'm fine by myself, thank you very much!

What happened after I fainted is still a mystery to me..

I know it's short, but still, it's the best i could try. Thanks to everyone who commented on the previously posted but deleted part. I was glad to know that you liked it, but I wasn't completely satisfied with that work, so I had to rewrite the whole scenario. I hope you'll like this part too..

Sorry to all my dear readers, but I can't update regularly, you'll have to wait for long till i post the next chapter. All I can do is still hope that you'll support and hold on to the other end of the rope till this ff completes. Though I'm quite disappointed to know that half of the readers stopped reading this book, I'm still happy that the rest haven't given up on this story of trust that easily.

Thank you very much,
A story of trust

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