Chapter-16(a) "Time changes everything"

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Another normal, cheerful day in Mumbai , but yet few faces literally lost their smile, Akash with help of Pragya was trying hard to make it up with Rachana, crying every night with his guilt and helplessness.. Purab lost hopes of happy ending with Bulbul.. Bulbul had a tough time to let go of things and behave like everything was normal in and around her, difficult.. yet, she successfully managed to escape the questions from her mother without letting her get slightest doubt..

Everything in their life was anything but normal..

Let's peek into life of Abhishek and Pragya..

There was always a constant fight in life of Abhi and Pragya.. Well, luckily, not literally like couple fights, but the fight between the heart and mind.. Abhi's heart always felt a pang of jealousy seeing Pragya with purab, though he actually could never listen to what they spoke about or how they even address each other, on the other hand, his mind refused to accept the new budding feelings he has for his"wife" Pragya.

He always felt happy seeing her taking care of his family like hers. He couldn't help but envy her seeing the love she's receiving from bunty and bubly. Sometimes, seeing the trio together, his mind gets drifted to the thoughts of how amazing would it be seeing her take care of "their" children.. Would she pamper them more than Bunty Bubly.. These thoughts immediately made him blush crimson red but he's always successful in hiding it by easily diverting the mind of others wherever asked for the reason of his blush. His mind was more confused regarding the new feelings he began growing for "his wife" but Aaliyah's face crushes everything.. Every emotion he felt for her except jealousy and anger..

On the other hand, Pragya, though realized the truth of her marriage on the second day itself, couldn't help but respect him and his love for their family. She knew he hates her, (well though not aware of his new budding feelings), but he never disrespected her family or her in front of her family. He adjusted but didn't complain loud which could have hurt her mom and granny esp, during pagphere. She respected him for respecting her family. Though she knew that the marriage meant nothing to him, she was not of that kind. She grew knowing about the importance of relationships, values and traditions and she was never going to breach them.

Her heart always felt a sharp pain looking at the disgraceful and disgusting sight her husband looked at her whenever he saw her talking to Purab.. She felt hurt.. always.. though she begun realizing the fact that her husband would never come looking for her. Her mind crushed all her thoughts and emotions, making her stronger to have the harsh reality of her life..

Purbul.. :

Bulbul took her own time to think over the matter. She realized how sensitive the matter was and how badly it could effect the life of not just the two but many others.. it would not only affect just their relation but others too, it could destroy the trust of friend, it could destroy their beautiful relation of friendship, it could destroy the life of a girl and many more..

Considering all these factors, she felt like taking the help of he one more experienced with the harsh realities of life.. The one who always put her under her arms shielding her from any harm that might approach her.. The one who was always corrected her whenever she stepped onto the wrong path.. The one who was always there for her, being her guiding star.. 🌟.. Her dear sister..

But now, she felt she couldn't burden her sister with her problems while she already have a new life to deal with.. She felt that she should be the one to make responsible decision and stick up to it now for her life. She was the one who always lived in fairy land while her sister was very close to practical world and who believes in destiny. Finding no other way out of her problem, she decided to rely on the one she would usually go to to seek help. Now that she can't approach her, she thought to overcome her problems by thinking just the way her sister would think. So for the first time ever in her life, she trusted her destiny (bhagya). So, ultimately, leaving everything thing to destiny, she made up her mind and decided to speak to Purab for one last time before departing..

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