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I'm sorry guys, I really did take a lot time to update the next part of the story. Please forgive me. I might not be regularly updating this time.. So, Please try to bare with it. This is just a promo of coming track. Hope you enjoy reading..
Scene 1:

A lady is seen crying sitting on the beach in the park and a man before her it's trying to convince her.
Man-1 : " I'm really sorry.. I just don't know how to make it up for all the sins I committed towards you. I didn't even realize what was I doing then. But now, I am changing. I'm trying to be the man you wanted me to be. Please give me a chance.. "

Lady-1: "Don't you know that trust is the base for any relationship.. Didn't you promise me before the holy fire that you'll trust me and stand by my side protecting me from all the troubles. But, aren't you the reason for me being in this state. Where were you when every one were accusing me of something I'm not completely responsible for?! Where were you when I literally begged you to listen to me?! You know what! I can't stand your presence any longer now. You asked me to listen to you just got 5 minutes and I guess your time is up. I'm leaving now. Good bye. Hope we never meet again"

Saying so, the lady began moving away from there but stopped suddenly feeling a strong but gentle grip over her hand

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Saying so, the lady began moving away from there but stopped suddenly feeling a strong but gentle grip over her hand.
"Please.. Please don't go.. Please don't leave me alone.." said the man sitting on his knees and begging her to stay back..
Tears were not stopping from both their eyes. Even the nature couldn't stay calm seeing them cry. The hurt was deep and tears were flowing out of their eyes just like waterfalls as if it wouldn't stop. So, the dark clouds began crying too..

Scene 2:

Man-2: "I love you.. " he said in a deep voice which made her heart flutter
Lady-2: "I know" she said chuckling through her tears
Man-2: "Oh please.. "he said in a fake frustrated voice, but suddenly his voice sounded serious.. "Please say it.. Please say that you love me too. Who knows may be this would be that last time I may hear you say it"
Lady -2: "I love you too" she said looking straight and deep into his eyes trying to consume the ocean of love he has in his eyes.. His love.. Purely meant just for her..
As soon as she confessed, she was pulled into a bear hug by him. Both stayed just that way in each others arms.. standing silently listening to each others heart beats which were racing hard, confessing the love in each beat.. For how long.. They didn't know.. Tears were making course down their cheeks though they were trying hard to contain them within their eyes as both of them know that the thing which hurts their love the most is their tears..

Hope you guys enjoyed reading

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Hope you guys enjoyed reading.. Keep guessing about the coming track..
Do mention your views in the comment section..
Sorry for keeping you waiting.. Please do vote, comment and share..

Few of you might have already guessed but few didn't so, let me make this clear, the couple in scene 1 are Akash and Rachana and in scene 2 are Bulbul and Purab..  


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