A/N.. apologies :(

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Hi friends..

I know, I might have disappointed most of you out there with my irregular updates, yet,  I'm most thankful to all of you for not giving up on this plot..
It's this valuable comments and votes that helps me, keeps encouraging me to write further, though I fall into situations where I felt like giving up. Thank you so much, even the silent readers too..

Now that you people became the fuel for the plot to keep running, I have a feeling wanting to drive the plot of "a story of trust" just the way you want to read.. So, open up guys, how would you like the plot to be.. The one filled with drama, callenges or the one just simple, sweet, lovable and easy going one.. Choice is yours.. The story will shape just the way you would like to read the most.. I shall update the next chapter depending on your response..

I have another apology to make.. I'm really working hard on other things in my life that seriously needs my attention.. So, for now, I'll not be able to update regularly. I feel guilty for making you people wait for so long..  If everything goes well, I guess I'll be able to update regularly from the end of February.. Long time.. I know right.. But I can't help it.. I miss writing for you all out there.. Sorry..

So.. Yeah.. Express your views.. Comment/ message/ reply..
Waiting for your response..
Keep smiling :)

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