Chapter 4: Waiting

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Luigi began walking along with Mario to the throne room to execute the plan. As they walked Luigi looked around and heard snickering among a few of the toads that watched him walk by. He began thinking, what if this is just a huge joke for him to be laughed at. What if Bowser was never on his way and they just wanted to pick on him some more. "Luigi", Mario said getting Luigi's attention. "Oh yeah", Luigi mumbled. "Here we are just sitting here, and sit tight OK", Mario said directing him to the throne. Luigi sat down and anxiousness washed over him. He began sweating and trembling, so much that Mario noticed. "Hey bro", Mario said in a gentle tone. "It will be OK, I promise". Luigi smiled under the face mask, but the kind words weren't enough to relax him. Mario walked over to some toads to talk about the plan. As Mario walked away Luigi tried to take deep breaths to calm him down, however, it didn't seem to work either. Luigi was going to call for Mario to come back over to him to help him calm down until. *BOOM* One of the throne rooms walls came crumbling down casing Mario and the toads to fly into a wall knocking them unconscious. "MARIO!", Luigi yelled in terror. Luigi tried to get up to help Mario, but Koopa troops swarmed inside grabbing Luigi forcefully. They began tying him up and carrying him over their heads. As he was being carried he heard one Koopa make a comment. "Wow, the princess seems a tad more heavy than usual". Luigi looked back once more to see Mario slowly getting up. Both of them made eye contact before Mario collapsed once again. Luigi made it outside and he was thrown on the ship landing on his behind. "Oww", Luigi mumbled. As Luigi looked up he saw him and he could feel his heart drop out of his chest. "Hello Princess, fancy seeing you again", Bowser said in his raspy voice. Luigi's blood ran cold as Bowser scanned him up and down. "Hmm why are you wearing that", He said Reaching to grab Luigi's mask. Luigi covers his face before Bowser could get closer. "Um I'm a tad sick, my throat is sore, I didn't want to make people sick", Luigi said trying his best peach impersonation. Bowser looked at him and shrugged. "Yeah, I'll make sure that you get medicine when we get safe and sound to my castle OK Peachy". "Kamek set said to the castle", Bowser roared. "Yes sir", Kamek said. As Kamek flew by he eyed Luigi scanning him as well. A small smirk flew on his face and he flew away. Luigi began to panic a bit. He knew for sure that Kamek figured his disguise. As Kamek left your focus went back to Bowser. "You must be sick Peachy, You're not flailing and yelling like you usually do", Bowser said. Bowser turned around and headed to the front of the ship as Luigi was carried down to the bottom. "Sit tight this will be a quick ride", one of the koopas said. Luigi sat back and looked out a window to see that he was no longer near the castle. "O-ok 2 days....they will be here in 2 days...", Luigi mumbled to himself.


Peach and a few toads ran down to the throne room. "oh my Bowser blew up one of the walls, usually he came through a window", Toad said. "I just hope no one was severely injured", Peach said. As they entered the throne room their attention was immediately brought to the unconscious Mario and the toad's checking on him. "Oh no!", Peach said as she ran over to them.
"Are you guys alright?", Peach said. "Oh princess we're fine, we're not so sure about Mario", Toad said. "He hit the wall extremely hard", Another toad replied. They proceed to lift up his shirt to reveal a huge purple bruise on his side. "He also hit his head as well, he's bleeding, I have no doubt that he has a few broken bones", Toad said. "Oh no how long do you think he'll be out", Peach asked concerned. "Probably a few weeks", Toad Replied. "Weeks!, oh no, what about Luigi", Peach asked. "Sadly....his stay is going to be a little longer ", Toad replied. Peach shuttered, she couldn't believe this, they had to save Luigi before he was found out. "We have to send out a rescue team immediately", Peach demanded. "Yes Princess", Toad said.

Luigi once again was being carried off the ship into a dungeon deep inside bowser castle. the koopas untied him and tossed him inside before scurrying away. Luigi got up and dusted off the dirt that collected on the dress. "How can peach wear this its so uncomfortable", Luigi Sighed. Luigi looked around the dungeon cell. It looked as if Bowser made sure to get everything in here pink. The walls, the bed, the carpet, the vanity, hell he even went out of his way to get snacks that had pink packaging. "This is too much pink, I prefer green", Luigi mumbled. Luigi sat on the bed and it was surprisingly comfortable, he was almost jealous that he didn't have this bed in his room. Luigi sat patiently until he heard heavy footsteps coming towards the cell. Luigi began to get nervous hoping he can keep this peach charade up. Luigi looked at the cell door and saw the heavy footsteps belonged to none other than Bowser. Bowser had a big smile on his face as he opened up the cell door and walked closer to Luigi. "Oh Princess you look sooooo cute in this room", Bowser said. He grabbed Luigi's hand and planted a kiss on the back of his hand. Luigi cringed as he felt bowsers lips on his hand. "I mean this room is cute, but I'd rather be in my room in my own castle", Luigi said. Bowser looked worried," Oh um is there something you don't like? I made sure to make this room very pink, is it not pink enough, or maybe is it too pink". Luigi sighed lowly," No nothing is wrong its-". Bowser cut Luigi off as he smiled happily," Oh goody I knew you liked the room. Luigi grumbled and rolled his eyes. "Well whatever Mario is going to save me and I'll be back home soon", Luigi pouted. Bowser growled and started stomping his feet on the ground. "Blast that damn Mario always has to ruin everything, why can't he let us be happy". "Happy, Bowser why would I be happy with someone who kidnaps me!", Luigi yelled. Bowser looked at him confused tilting his head. "I'm not kidnapping you, I'm saving you from your boring life at the castle". Luigi grunted and plopped down on the bed. "Go away I'd like to take a nap". Bowser nodded," OK princess, I'll have dinner delivered to you momentarily, we're making your favorite". Bowser turned and walked out the cell locking it behind him. Once he was out of sight Luigi rolled over to get comfy. "If this cell was more secluded then I'd take this dress off". Luigi slowly began to get more nervous than he already was. He hopes that Mario will save him soon. "Mario, please save me", Luigi said getting drowsy. "Don't leave me here".

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