Chapter 6: Exposed

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Luigi woke up from a long stressful nap. Its been 5 days since Mario was 'supposedly' to save him and he grew highly irritated at everyone that visited him, even Bowser. Luigi sat up and looked around the room still upset. (This room it's stupid). Luigi heard heavy footsteps coming towards the cell. It was Bowser like always. "Yes Bowser, what do you want", Luigi sighed. Bowser Unlocked the cell and walked in and plopped down beside him. "Um you seem very irritated the past few days, is there anything I can do to cheer you up", Bowser said. Luigi noticed that Bowser seemed to be a tad upset as well. Luigi sighed," Some tea would be fine right now". Bowser jumped up," I'll get right too it". Luigi watched as Bowser ran out of the cell. He was in such a hurry he forgot to close the cell door. Once Bowser was no longer in the area, Luigi walked up to the door frame of the cell. He stared and started thinking this could be his golden opportunity to escape. "What's the point, I won't get anywhere far", Luigi grumbled. Luigi walked out of the cell and took a small stroll. "This place is so dirty", Luigi muttered. As Luigi walked the smell of brewing tea filled the air. "That smells amazing". Luigi followed the scent to a slightly open door. Luigi peaked through to see Bowser standing over a stove. Luigi was surprised that Bowser wasn't making one of his minions make the tea for him. Luigi looked around and saw that the kitchen Bowser was in was fairly big like one of those kitchens on those competitive cooking shows. Luigi watched as Bowser poured tea in a small cup and turned back to the stove. Luigi carefully walked into the kitchen without Bowser noticing and sat at the table where he placed the teacup. Luigi then proceeded to pick the teacup up and took a tiny sip. "It could be a little sweeter", Luigi said casually. Bowser jumped almost dropping a teacup he had in his hand.  He quickly turned around and looked shocked, "P-Princess what are you doing here". Luigi took another sip," You left the cell door open, By the way, do you have sugar cubes". Bowser opened up a cabinet and handed Luigi a plate of sugar cubes. Bowser continued to stare at him as Luigi place the sugar in his tea. "I...I don't understand", Bowser muttered. Luigi looked up at Bowser," Understand what"? Bowser sat across from Luigi," You're still here, I thought you might've run away". "I was thinking about doing that, but to be honest I don't think I'd make it far", Luigi said staring in his cup. They both sat in silence for a while. "You know princess you don't have to wear the mask to drink your tea, I doubt you're going to make anyone sick". "Luigi felt the mask on his face and trembled slightly. If Bowser were to know the truth who'd know how angry he'd get. "It's fine, it doesn't bother me at all", Luigi said. They both continued to sit in silence Bowser began to awkwardly fidget. "I'm gonna go check on my son, you can roam the castle if you want", Bowser said getting up. Luigi looked surprised, he didn't think Bowser would let him do that. Bowser left the kitchen leaving Luigi behind. As much as Luigi wanted to snoop around since it was his purpose for being here. He didn't feel like doing it. "I'll sit in my room", Luigi said. Luigi sat the teacup in a sink nearby and strolled down to his cell. As Luigi entered he signed and decided a bath could cheer him up. Luigi walked in the bathroom locking the door and stripped down. Filling up the tub Luigi got in gently, feeling the nice warm water on his skin soothed him. Luigi just stared blankly at the ceiling, thinking of how happy Mario probably his with the fact that he isn't around anymore. Heck Him and Peach probably are planning countless vacations. Even though Luigi's hatred for Mario was awakened not so long ago, he still gets a small warm spot for him. Luigi then began to recline back in the tub to fully relax and clean himself.

After Checking on his Son Bowser headed towards the Kitchen to see that Peach was no longer there. "She left", Bowser said. Bowser sat down in the chair across from where Luigi was sitting. "There has to be something I can do to cheer her up", Bowser mumbled. Bowser was slowly running out of Ideas, usually, Mario would've come to save Peach by now. "What can I do, what can I do". Bowser decided to instead ask the princess what she wanted to do and started walking to her cell.

Luigi sat up straight in the tub and sighed. "My water is cold now". Luigi got out craving his towel to dry off. He looked at himself in the mirror, his pale depressed face. "You're disgusting", He mumbled. Luigi then began to put his clothes back on. "Where is the mask, fucking kamek", Luigi grumbled. Without thinking, Luigi walked out of the bathroom. "Hey, kame-". Luigi's eyes widen as he saw Bowser standing in front of him. Luigi quickly covered his face. "B-Bowser I can explain"!. " were pretending to be the princess the entire time huh", Bowser grumbles. Bowser cornered Luigi and towered over him.  "I thought I finally, finally got the princess to like me, but I was LIED TO" Luigi saw nothing but pure rage within Bowser's eyes. Bowser grabbed Luigi by the collar and Luigi could see fire slowly pouring out of his mouth. Luigi scared for his life closed his eyes and hoped that whatever was coming would be quick.

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